The Most Elusive Game Animal in North America?


New member
I have been hunting these for years, and so far have never even spotted one.
Night hunts, day hunts, treestands, field, bush, calling, you name it.
No dice.
That's right, I hunt the ever elusive Posilope.
After all, we have Antelope, so there must be Posilope out there somewhere, right?

Anybody seen one?
I'd be happy if you could score on coyote! Besides, there can't be a posilope without an ant-i-lope....check your local Greek diner for the proper name of the quarry you seek.
I will admit that I have never heard of it before, and we have no Greek diners that I could check at.
I am still huntin for a Jackalope, seen plenty of mounted specimens, but never one in the wild.
I saw two predatory posilopes chasing a jackalope down Terlingua Creek, just now. It's raining, and they got scared. Wetness will do that to desert critters.

Hey, one of the locals went out in a shower the other day. Knocked him colder'n a cuckoo! We had to throw sand on him to bring him out of it!

Well, gotta shut down the computer. Lightning can be hard on them...

:), Art
well i have seen Pos-ums
so there must be Neg-uns too!

or is that a Ant-um?

for every positive farse there is an equal & opposite farse!

i guess Janet Reno offsets the existense of 3 or 4 Playboy bunnies!

DZ. You got it all wrong. Janet Reno offsets the existance of all the Bunnies Playboy that ever existed.
Paul B.
There are plenty of them . They are all hiding behind the last true statement uttered by Bill Klinton .

I think the answer to this thread must be Bigfoot! I've lived in WA, CO, AK, NM, AZ and I've never even seen one.
Maybe if I moved to Nepal...
Anodes: Naaaaahhhhh. An ethical person in the present Administration. In deference to a couple of Good Guys on this Site, I won't say anything like, "Honest lawyer".

:), Art