The Most Dangerous Game

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New member
I can hear it now, "Not another blanking scenario!!"

I just got done reading a short story who's title is the name of this thread.
The basic plot is a rich big game hunter has a private island and hunts people for sport. Can't remember who wrote it, but it was pretty good.

Thought I'd try a different flavor of scenario.


The game is hosted on a decent sized island in the Pacific.

The terrain includes beaches, waterways, a lagoon, some jungle, hills with a few caves and tunnels that connect in some places, rock fields, and some Easter Island type statues thrown in for some fun.

The buildings on the island consist of a small airfield, a dock with a couple of storage buildings, and a bunker.

Teams are 9 people each. Equipment is whatever you and your people can afford. Since this is outside of U.S. jurisdiction, NFA items are allowed. With the stipulation that only one explosive device is allowed per team. IE one and only one grenade, or rocket launcher, or RPG etc... NO nuclear devices.

The objective is to be the first team to make it off the island alive and reach a neigboring island which is 50 miles away from you.

You are given a map of the game island, a compass, the coordinates of the other island, and the knowledge that the bunker contains the key to escape.
It is rumored that there may be some sort of additional resources secured somewhere in the bunker as well.

The entry fee is $250,000 per team.

The prize is $500 million to be divided evenly amongst your team, if a member dies, their family recieves 75% of their share, with the remaining 25% divided among the surviving team members.

So. What equipment would you choose and who (if anybody) from TFL would you select for you team? And your plan of attack please.

I'd pick Mr. Dave in Delaware for starters. (Us Delaware guys gotta stick together :D ) My further equipment and team picks to follow....

BTW, I forgot to mention that your oppenents will be an unspecified number of opposing teams, and the native population consists of cannibals who are hopped up on some sort of hallucinogen that makes them a tad homicidal.

Have fun!!!!
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The basic plot is a rich big game hunter has a private island and hunts people for sport. Can't remember who wrote it, but it was pretty good.

Richard Connell, I believe.

I wouldn't play the game. Lose game by forfeit. I would still be alive without getting shot at. :D I win!
Who come up with this stuff? People with overactive imaginations!!
Guilty and proud of it! :D

Not to be hostile, but if you don't like it don't read it.

Maybe we should have a dedicated scenario forum for us conspiracy and survival nuts.
As not to offend the members who are more firmly grounded in reality.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled delusion....

Hmm.... SAWs.. SAWs are nice. Maybe a Ma Deuce or two.....
As far as weapons go, my primary would be some sort of scoped .308 auto-loader, like a G3. And a crossbow, in case stealth is needed (when would it not be needed?), or if the opposition is wearing body armor. And a suppressed 10 mm handgun.

My plan would be stealth. So full camo for everybody on the team. Not the plain-jane military woodland stuff, but commercial hunting camo specifically chosen for the environment from satelite photos. Body armor all round, and handsfree radio headsets. Engage only if necessary.

The team's one explosive would be a 20lb brick of C4, to wire the cave system entrances or the bunker entrance.
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Wow. I was picked first. :eek:

Thanks for the vote of teammate confidence. Yeah, us Delaware members have to stick together. All 5 of us. LOL. I hope my fiancee would be on the DE team. She's a better shot than I am anyway. She could be our sniper. I think she fell in love w/ SR420's decked-out M14 pictured on this forum somewhere... Wow. Just... wow. We'd all need lightweight body armor, appropriate camo clothing, and hmmm.. let's see... the explosive? Some sort of remote-detonated napalm device. Destroy it all!

Interesting game concept, but can we keep it to paintball or something similar? I'm allergic to death. I'd consider playing IF the rounds being used weren't quite so... fatal. How can you enjoy the winnings if you're either dead, or so FUBAR that you can't even scream "yippee! I'm rich!"? Of course, then the stakes wouldn't be so high, so the pot wouldn't be as deep, but I could handle winning part of, say a $1 million prize. Divided 9 ways (assuming all teammates survive) is still $111,111 each.

One problem with the rules I have is we can use "what we can afford." That limits me to my XD-9 and shotgun (since i already own them). I'm not a rich man. :( I'd recruit 5 more members here on TFL that are either military, past military, or LEO. Any advantage would be good. And, I'd recruit 1 rich member for our team, as the supply captain.
I play alone.

I pick a Cobra attack helicopter with a chain gun, FLIR and all of the other goodies.

For my one explosive device, I pick an FAE bomb.
Of course!

Mrs. Dave is more than welcome to play.

And since this is pretend, one of our team mates' bank accounts is deep enough allow us to buy whatever we want for equipment.

If you want to play using only a rusty butter knife and a Daisy Red Rider, you can. But is is strongly NOT reccomended!

No outside vehicles!!! There's a Huey in the hanger, keys to it might be in the bunker. Boat at dock, same deal as above.
The prize is $500 million
It would be completely retarded to fight over that kind of money. Who in their right mind risks getting killed for the chance to increase their prize money from "more money than you can spend in the rest of your life" to "twice as much money as you can spend in the rest of your life"?

I'd get on the horn to the other teams, suggest we get together, wax some cannibals, split the dough and all head off to Cabo for a three day weekend.
I'd get on the horn to the other teams, suggest we get together, wax some cannibals, split the dough and all head off to Cabo for a three day weekend.

The only problem is when one of the other teams decides that they don't want to play by the rules and slaughters you all while you are trying to be nice.
"I'd get on the horn to the other teams, suggest we get together, wax some cannibals, split the dough and all head off to Cabo for a three day weekend."

Oh, you mean sorta like the "Kelley's Heros" thing?

... and all ya' gotta do is just turn that turret around and...

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