Jim V

New member
I have just finished reading THE MITZVAH by Aaron Zelman and L. Neil Smith. Aaron is the founder of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership ( )and L. Neil is a noted Libertarian author (THE PROBABILITY BROACH and PALLAS are two of his novels.)

It is a short novel that all firearms owners and freedom lovers should read and share with others. Not as epic in size as John Ross's UNINTENDED CONSEQUINCES but as epic in its message. It is a book that governments and gungrabbers (often the same thing) will not want you to read as it describes how far both will go to enslave.

Monsignor John Greenwood, Chicago, "...a 'child of the '60's'..." "an antiwar activist and a lifelong advocate of world peace..." is told that he is a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust. He was rescued by an Aryan couple when he was 2 and his parents were killed. The immigrated to the US and names were changed. John Greenwood = Johann Gruenwald = Abram Herschel Rosen.

THE MITZVAH is the story of Greenwood's acceptance of his birth and his education into the fundamentals of the Jewish faith. His transformation from an anti-gun person to pro-firearm ownership is a major part of the story.

I suggest that you all buy the book, read it, reflect on its message and then share the book with others, before it is banned.

It can be ordered from or

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
OK, if no one is going to comment on the book from the above.

Greenwood slowly comes to accept the news of his birth and becomes friends with a Rabbi who is a gun person. John's "Father" is murdered and he receives his "Father's" 1911 from his "Mother" who he then learns is carrying a small semiautomatic pistol. He also learns that his secretary carries a revolver. This news is shocking to him.

After reading several progun books, hearing some of the Jewish history and talking to friends, he makes a complete change regarding firearms and preaches a sermon
that incites the rath of the Bishop. As a result of the sermon and the complaints of the Bishop John is visited by two FBI agents that told him to cool it with the progun stuff and that free speach was going to become a thing of the past when the Constitution is suspended "for the good of teh country."


I get no monies from the sale of the book.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited August 15, 1999).]