The Million Mummers are at it Again!

IIRC, in U.S. vs. Haney (1969) the SC ruled that conviceted criminals could not be forced to register, and could not be prosecuted for failing to do so, being protected by their 5th Amend. rights.

So... what is the point again...?
Let them publish this nonsense however and were ever they please. I am quite sure that the average American will see right through this as the rather sickening political opportunism that it really is.
When it does appear, just be sure to get in al few reply letters to the editor pointing this out.
They only discredit themselves now with this stuff.
Dancing in the blood of her son and other victims...

The shooter was reported to have had no permits or registration for any of the firearms in his possession.

Well, guess what....HE ALREADY BROKE THE LAW!!!! Am I wrong in believing that Massuchusetts requires a permit to posses or gun registration or some other such nonsense?

Mom March President Mary Leigh Blek, has again asked the question that is often posed after mass shootings in America, "How many people will have to die before common sense guns laws are passed to keep guns out of the wrong hands? This is another tragic example of why this country needs a national licensing and registration system.

Right. That criminal would have registered his guns. Sure. And registration would have kept the person who murdered your son, Mrs. Blek, from illegally acquiring the gun he used. Of course it's the guns fault. It was thirsty after the first murder.

My wife knows Mary Leigh Blek. Her son, Matt, was a good friend of my wife. He was murdered in NYC by a criminal with a gun. So, she blames the gun. Even though the criminal was out to kill people, evidenced by the fact that just an hour earlier, he had shot a utility worker in the head while the guy was sitting in his truck.