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The Message Edit Feature Is Great


Staff Alumnus
Hi guys. I really like the edit-message feature of the board script you are using. On my site a reader can enter a password and delete his message later and try again if he screwed it up, but your edting feature is a lot more convenient and easier to use. Keep up the good work...Eric
Thanks, Eric. We'd like to take credit, but it's a built in feature.
We're searching for a "floating" spell checker that would make it easier for people to check their posts.
I've been trying to figure out a workable way to do a spell checker too. The easiest fastest way would be to tie the board script into an existing spell checker on the reader's computer. It would be a great feature. BTW, I bought the UBB script last night. I will be debuting the script on my site on New Year's day. It will be, already is, heavily modified, but it should still be recognizable to you guys. I am a hopeless tinkerer and never seem to find all the stuff I want in any single program. I am incorporating a lot of the script I am currently using into the UBB program. Thanks for the link to their site...Eric
Eric, to tell you the truth, the best way to spell check is by composing the message in a program that already has a spell checker, then cutting it and pasting it into the text box.

Spark, that is what I usually do myself, but being a tinkerer, I thought it would be neat to tie the spell checker I use, the spell checker that each reader uses on his own system, into the message board. Or better yet, have a generic downloadable spellchecker that will be used by the message board once the reader downloads and installs it. It might be fun to put together...Eric
I'm with Eric. There's got to be some sort of "floating" spell check device out there that can be minimized to sit on your Task Bar. Then just highlight the text, after initial composition, drag and drop.
Spark, do you know if UBB is planning a spell check in the upcoming release?

Eric- Congratualations on making the switch. UBBis kinda like the NRA. We can grumble all we want, but it's the best alternative out there. Zach's done a fair amount of customizing also. Keep us abreast of your ideas and changes.
Rich Lucibella
If you can figure out how to do it, go for it. Especially if you can cobble together a standalone version that can act as a plugin for this board.

But, to tell you the truth, I think that it's time better spend on another project. For all the effort of turning on the downloaded spell checker, etc, it's easier to just use whatever you already have, without having to download anything extra or use up anymore disk space.

The problem with any spell check is context is not recognized, ie last post. If you want your spelling to be correct, spell correctly and re-check before posting.