The Mecca of Personal Safety

Yep. My brother got mugged in the London Underground by a couple of young English thugs.

BTW, I get riled at anti-gun Americans who point to England as if it were the Garden of Eden. These people have forgotten what America is about, if they ever knew. I guess they'd have been Tories in 1776.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited August 25, 1999).]
The owner of a local range here in Dallas told me about the time he and his sister visited London-

They had stopped at a convenience store for dinner supplies, as they arrived late and the local eateries were closed. While his sister was rummaging in one of the fridges, a group of several rough looking teenagers came in (rainbow-hair, leather, metal studs, you name it)a nd meandered for a bit. The Gun-guy blocked the aisle so that the teens would not have access to his sister. Of course, being in "gun-free" England, he had nothing to defend himself with but a pocket knife and a kubotan. After a while when he didn't leave, one of the teens came up and asked (belligerently) "How long ya gonna be here?" His reply was "Awhile". The kids got discouraged after a minute and left. The Gun-guy went up to the Iranian (or somesuch) clerk and said "You know those kids were going to rob you, right?" the clerk replied "Oh, yes, it happens all the time."

(derision)Tell me again, Mr & Mrs United Kingdom, how gun control has made you safe to walk your streets again.(/derision)

"Is fhe'arr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach"
-Sarabian Oomodo

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

A firearm isn't a weapon until it is used as such.
UK: Nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there.

Remember, though-- your sharpest weapon is between your ears. When visiting, use that weapon fiercely and unfailingly. Perhaps the demonstration will rub off?

Isn't it pretty to think so.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
Geez, when I was there for a week, somebody left a bomb in front of a store in London, and somebody tried to blow up a plane.

But I was perfectly safe, because you're average Tommy can't carry a handgun, right?