The Maven


Staff Emeritus
The Maven

Once upon an evening dreary, while I posted weak and weary,
-- A rambling post and surely just a bore,
As I typed and typed again, I scrambled words as in my den,
-- I tried so hard to type a little more.
----- Just more typos. Nothing more.

My typing surely wasn't fine, with edit after edit line,
-- Until my "edits" numbered greater than my post.
I hate it when I fail and fail, but just then came an e-mail,
-- From our greatest leader and our host.
----- Rich Lucibella. With one hint more.

He shared with me these words so wise, you can try them on for size,
-- And I think you'll find them mighty fine.
When your typos you must edit, then see more and must re-edit,
-- Know you can delete the edit line.
----- Just delete them. Nothing more.

So if you find you're typing badly and edit upon edit sadly,
-- Just remember these words from the wise.
Delete your previous edit line, your post will soon be looking fine,
-- And your post will be cut down to size,
----- With just one edit. Nothing more.

:) :) ;) ;) :) :D


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

Verily what you say is true, so I'll tell you what I'll do.
I'll stop posting like a jerk, for tomorrow I must work.

What's that? The sound of distant bands?
Yep! No more time on Dennis' hands!

(It's an affliction, John. Have mercy...)
Gee, I would've guessed you didn't have a job.


[This message has been edited by boing (edited June 30, 1999).]
Dennis, we need to make you the Simon Jester of the freedom movement. :)

Read Robert Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" to find out about Simon Jester.

"All I ask is equal freedom. When it is denied, as it always is, I take it anyhow."
I'll see if Barnes & Nobles can find a copy for me. Simon Jester, hmm? Why do I suddenly feel increasingly vulnerable to a bunch of "Simple Simon" cracks? :)

BTW, Art Eatman knows the true story. When I'm home alone I sneak my way to the sugar cookies, then "Katie, Bar the Door!"

You're right! I don't have a job! However, I do have five dba companies that I try to keep running. That keeps me "running" (in every sense of the word) in good times.

But, when things get slow, I'm "Home Alone"... just me and the sugar cookies...(heh heh heh) Then, sometimes my "affliction" strikes. (sigh)
The DEA is after the wrong substance ;)

There was a grizzled old cowboy who used to be around here...this guy was old! He probably knew Jesse James (who BTW hid out here in Paso Robles)...the only thing that made him move fast was lemon drops....Gawd he had a jones for them LOL

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited June 30, 1999).]
Sugar cookies, eh? Always knew Dennis wuz one of the good guys! Did you know that SAM's has four-pound cans of them? And after the final knoshing-session, you have a container for all that empty .45 brss?
Gee, guys, you're making me blush.
Besides, it's not that I'm an author, I just don't have the good sense to keep my doggerel to myself! ;)

Art! OMIGOD! Art! FOUR POUND CANS??? at Sam's??? :D :D
See you guys later! ((whoooosh------>>>>))