The mailgirl arrived! (and it's raining...)


New member
And me with a new mold too.:mad: I am really hoping for a break in the clouds!
This is the Accurate Molds 359-162V. I liked the 158 grainer they had in the catalog and asked if he could bump it up to 162 grains and widen the nose to a .290 meplat. This one looks like easy casting and lubing (1 groove) and the flat nose should make it a good thumper!




And if it ever quits raining... I'll post pics of the castings!
Well there ya have it....

My wife said I am banned from reading your post, well sort of, but only after I had 4 new molds picked out and blamed it on you.....:eek: Common rain, rain, rain....;)

I was looking at several of them a couple of weeks back myself, but I figured since I had the MP 358-640 with the different pins I was good for now. That one there looks like a winner for sure though, I bet it would be great poured up in something around a 10-12 BHN, greased up real good with some Carnuba Red, and trotted out to a deer at about 1100fps.:D
I like it!!!

I really like the nice flat nose on this thing, and this is 50/50 pure/WW, with just a smidge of tin. I really want to see how nice it'll look when I bump the tin to 2%. They drop at .3595 reliably with this alloy.
I varied my casting temps to see how it liked the alloy, and as usual, right when I hit the perfect spot with best fill-out, the temp was 810-820. (I checked it 4 different times during casting) That's what my other molds like too, but I had always been using isotope alloy before.


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