The Liberal Mind Observed

Ed Brunner

New member
In another thread I referred to the Black Caucus as a special interest group opposed to guns and suggested that we needed a Caucus too. At least one member perceived my post as advocating a White Caucus and I was branded a racist!

There were subsequent posts wherein I explained that I was calling for a gun-owners caucus, but apparently because I live in Mississippi, I am perceived to be a Racist. Hence the title, "The Liberal Mind Observed"...

It appears that to the liberal mind, calling for a White Caucus makes one a racist. Apparently having a Black Caucus is not racist, but having a White Caucus would be. This is how the liberal mind works.

I have quoted my friend Royal F. Hill jr. who said "Perception isn’t everything, but it’s all they need." I now conclude that he referred to the Liberal Mind.

There is another open thread which contrasts individual and civil rights.Civil rights are what liberals have decided we could have instead of those dangerous old bothersome Individual Rights.

And that is how the Liberal Mind works.

Better days to be,

Ed, Your post is right on the money. This hate crime crap and all the other Counter-culture McGovernink trash is sickening. Does anyone know if a non white person has ever been charged or convicted of a hate crime?

Boys, boys, please settle down. It's just about the government, excuse me "The General Social Welfare" "Sic" Socialist times that we live in!
Your Bro in Mississippi, Hank
Yall know that you can't have a Miss White America Contest. I think that the term Miss is under investigation now! But all women are welcome to participate. Might not be much loneger that it's not a contest for just WOMEN of any racial makeup!
I do know that there was once a Miss Black America Contest but I think that has gone away.

[This message has been edited by HankL (edited September 23, 1999).]
Well, the "hate crime" concept still confuses me so bad I start frothing at the mouth. When a bunch of redneck white trash (oops, was that racist?) brutally murdered a black man in Jasper, TX a year or so ago, the screaming for "hate crime" legislation was deafening, even after the first perp was sentenced to death.

What ya wanna do? Kill him twice because it was a hate crime? A crime is a crime. If you determine that stiffer penalties will decrease occurrences of that crime, then those stiffer penalties should apply in every instance, not only in certain politically correct instances.

And no, btw, I have never heard of a non-white person being accused of a "hate crime". I guess the minority genetic makeup precludes the possibility of hate, perhaps of crime as well. Ya think?
Larry, I think you are on to something that I have not even heard discussed on the issue of "hate crimes." In the case of murder, in the jurisdictions where the death penalty is a possibility, how can you increase the punishment? There is only one way. You must execute the murderer who killed out of "hate" and give lesser sentences to those who murdered for other reasons.

Since whites are the only members of politically correct society who can be racist, the only members who can truly hate, then only white murderers who kill nonwhite victims can be executed.
Youse guys (a little New York lingo, there) are missing the point. The reason for the "hate crime" designation is that the next step is thought control. In order to decide what a hate crime is, they have to determine what was in the mind of the the time of the killing. The end result is that eventually we could be jailed for "thinking" the wrong thoughts. Not all that far fetched.
You are exactly right Shotgun. It's ultimately the mind that the would be masters are after. Once they control the mind they can then control the rest of our person. That is why the battles for freedom are battles of ideas first and foremost. You can kill an individual with a gun or a bomb, but you can only kill an idea with an idea. If you try using guns or bombs against an idea, it only becomes stronger.
Put into perspective you get one sentence for the crime itself and a separate sentence for thinking about it.

Better days to be,

Oh! You mean "conspiracy"? :) Just expand the meaning from "two or more persons" to "one or more persons".

((Hmm. I'm in deep trouble here.... :( )
The latest round of "hate-crime" fever as far as I could tell[ from reading the text of the proposed bills,] simply adds sexual orientation to the list of what you can't hate someone for. In other words the law aready existed before the man in
Texas was dragged. Apparently those prone to dragging folks to death don't keep up on current laws. Hope this keeps any of them Dragsters from draggin any " not supposed to hate" types in the future. Just stick to white [colorless] types and you'll be alright, as long as their heterosexual.
I have been using the "you're not celebrating my diversity or repecting my lifestyle" routine with some interesting results on some anti-gun types I've encountered lately (their own rhetoric befuddles them), and they really get crazed & dazed when I point out that self-defense is a civil right.

As someone pointed out, you can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think, and sometimes trying to have a dialog with those folks is like try to teach a pig to sing - a waste of your time and it annoys the animal (may violate the animal's rights, too). Doesn't mean that giving their collective chain a right healthy yank isn't good fun, though.

While I agree with the statement that it is the intent of hate crime legislation to advance the political correctness thought control agenda, it seems even more sinister than that to me. You see, I don't think they even have to *prove* what you are thinking. I think if the victim is a member of a "protected group" (a term worth a good ten blood pressure points to those of us who remember the phrase "equality under the law") and you are not, then the crime is *presumed* to have been motivated by hate. It is a way of including group membership as a determining factor in how protected or punished you are by the criminal injustice system.

This reminds me of a post on another forum placed by a liberal who, having become frustrated by reasoned arguments against gun control, started frothing that he could hardly wait until those who disagreed with him were herded off to the gulags and his kind could impose their "peace" on the world -- Pax Crematorium Gulagae (Any Latin scholars here who can clean this up?). There are no rules when the game is demonize and destroy. Stalin showed the way, America follows.

Oops, got a little carried away by the rant bug.

"Political language … is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of respectability to pure wind,”
-- George Orwell, The Orwell Reader (Harcourt, Brace, 1956) p366

On which forum did this "liberal" post his rant? I'd like to read that one for myself and perhaps send him a reply.

Sorry, Mike,

It was on the CSP forum but was deleted because of its hateful nature and the obviious disruptive intent of the author. I have asked the administrator there if I may have a copy but have received no response as yet. Will let you know if they send me anything.
