The Lesser of Two Evils, II

Click here for an excellent letter about voting.

"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

See The Legacy of Gun Control film at:

Do it for the children...
Bob Locke,

I see your point, but I want to see what Bush and a Repub congress/senate can do. We've NEVER been in a situation in recent history with the Repubs truly in control. What always happens is that the repubs compromise on some issue to get big legislative bills through congress and slick Willie. If the Republicans control both the White House and the Capitol after this election, you BET that I won't support them if they pass one new law or restriction. The excuses will be over. I'll go third party. But let's give Bush a chance to do something wonderful before we condemn him. With pro-Emerson SC justices, a republican congress and senate, and a just Justice department, we might actually REPEAL some of this nonsense. Let's give them a try.
Remember your vote is fairly meaningless. I've never had my vote decide any national election.

On the other hand, if we get Republicans in both the Executive and Legislative branches our work has just begun. We need to thoroughly vet any Judicial appointees, no more Suters. I'm serious about this. Howard Phillips, the Constitution Party's candidate, is the only one I know who was screaming about the fact that Souter wasn't a judge who took the Constitution seriously. Where were the supposed Conservatives when this happened?

Well that's enough of a rant for now.

We do need to discuss this more.

So let us decide how to procede and leave all else aside. I dont know how, but with all the tallent here on TFL we can do it.

Dennis thank you for bringing this subject up, I hope we all can work for a common cause.

And moves
(Galileo Galilie)

"Spay or Nuter your Socialist Pets"

[This message has been edited by B9mmHP (edited October 18, 2000).]