the latest WACO investigation


New member
Former Senator John Danforth, who has been appointed to head this latest spectacle, pardon me, this investigatioin, had earlier noted, with respect to this new investigation as follows. The quote is not exact, but his comments are a matter of record, that "he intended to look into whether there had been a cover-up, and whether federal officers had killed anyone". Danforth also said that he would not be looking into or at "judgement calls".

Looking at information and admissions recently made, there remains no question whatever as to the fact that there was, and still is, a cover-up in operation. As to the possibility that federal officers had killed people, it is quite possible that some of the ATF agents were felled by "friendly fire", to say the very least.

Re not looking at "judgement calls" some of which were horrendously bad, the writer sees the following in this. If they were to be properly examined, errors would come into view, which in the future, could be avoided, having been recognized. Since these judgemewnt calls, some of which were really terrible, are not to be examined, the errors therein will likely be REPEATED at some future juncture, and the band will most surely play on. If I do the senator an injustice, sorry about that, I merely call them as I see them.

Also, heard on the radio today, that the federal government, DOJ, is beinging suit against the tobacco industry, claiming that for some 45 or so years, the industry had engaged in a deliberate scheme of deception. Might this be sort of similar to what DOJ in particular, and The Clinton Administration in general have been party to respecting WACO and the goings on that there took place? One wonders about that sort of thing.
This will be a will drag on, but no names and necks will be under the knife...with a lot of scrambling and smoke it will be a "mistake that we will study so it doesn't happen again"

As for tobacco...interesting, is it not, that when the swan song begins on tobacco, the greatest benefiter over the years (Fed gov't) through massive tax revenues, now decides its bad?

Oh my...the revenue source may dry up so let's get some more.

Look into it, the Feds make more off a pack of smokes than the tobacco companies.

"Give me more money! FEED ME!"

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
If we're gonna sue somebody for deceptive practices, and for costing the citizens billions of dollars, doncha think we oughta start with the federal gov't?

Oh, that's right, they run the system. Lucky for us they're so fair. ;)

"...the probability of the people in power being individuals who would dislike the possession and exercise of power is on a level with the probability that an extremely tender-hearted person would get the job of whipping-master in a slave plantation."
Prof. Frank H. Knight
Don't be mis-led. Tobacco use is on a steady climb in the US. The only taxes uncollected are at the State level. Look real close at the bottom of a pack of cigarettes. Is there a tax stamp? Is it clearly readable? Federal monies have already been collected, with or without the State stamp. My own take on this is that it is a kick to the groin of the new anti US Mayor of Tokyo. I would not be surprised if R.J. Reynolds was the main target of this suit. I don't see this as a global conspiricy, more like a burr in Tokyo's saddle. R.J. Reynolds is owned by a Japanese holding company. RJR Nabisco sold it off last spring.
CCW for Ohio action site.

[This message has been edited by Hal (edited September 23, 1999).]