The Latest Kalifornia Lunacy


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I wonder if Mr. Hasemeyer had his tongue firmly implanted in his cheek when he dreamed up the title. He's seems to take a pro-gun angle, bless him. s/utarchives/cgi/idoc.cgi?

Unintended consequence

Law appears to put `assault' label on pistol of champion high school target shooter

David Hasemyer, Staff Writer

16-Jan-2000 Sunday

Lauren Santibanez is a target shooter with Olympic aspirations and a collection of shiny gold medals attesting to her world-class skills.

The 17-year-old Mt. Carmel High School senior has a record of national and
international titles.

She also may have another record pretty soon -- a criminal one.

That's because the custom-made target pistol Santibanez has used to capture Junior Olympic championships, U.S. National championships and International
Junior World championships falls into the category of assault weapon under a new state law.

It's an unintended consequence of the law aimed at outlawing certain guns that have a sensational history of violence. But Santibanez's finely crafted competition pistol nonetheless became, at least technically, an illegal weapon on Jan. 1, much like tens of thousands of other pistols and rifles used in competitive shooting throughout the state.

The pistol, a German-manufactured Walther .22-caliber, falls into the category of assault weapon because of its design.

The ammunition magazine is in front of the trigger. That's a design trait shared by the TEC-9 pistol that has earned a reputation as a weapon of choice in mass killings such as at Colorado's Columbine High School.

It was the TEC-9 type of pistols that many believe legislators were gunning for when they decreed that any pistol with a magazine not built into the pistol's grip is an assault weapon, even though the placement of the magazine doesn't make the gun more powerful or more accurate.

Santibanez feels like she's an inadvertent victim of the gun control movement that has established California as one of the most gun-restrictive states in the nation.

It will be a misdemeanor to own the gun without registering it as of Jan. 1, 2001. The second offense is a felony.

Lauren's father and shooting coach, Sandy Santibanez, contends it's absurd.

"We are faced with becoming felons because of this law," he said. "My daughter is an Olympic shooter, not a criminal."

His daughter summed up what she thinks of the situation with teen-age succinctness:
"It's stupid," she said.

It might seem like an easy obstacle to overcome, convincing authorities that target pistols specially designed to meet Olympic shooting requirements are not assault weapons.

Or she could have her father register the gun, though it would be technically illegal for her to shoot it. Santibanez's father is dead set against that option because the new law would make it illegal for her to
handle the gun.

"If I did (register the gun) then I would be an adult giving her an assault weapon," he said. "Suddenly we are both breaking the law."

The new law is rigid, granting a limited number of exemptions mostly for
law-enforcement officers' service weapons but not for Olympic shooters. It would take an act of the Legislature to free Santibanez of the registration requirement.

"It's a real threat to my goal of making the Olympics," the Rancho Penasquitos teen-ager said.

Santibanez said the law may prompt her to leave the state and not attend California State University at Humboldt, where she had planned to study next year. "This is going to force me to make to have to make some
decisions that will affect my life."

Santibanez doesn't get much sympathy from the author of the law, state Sen. Don Perata, D-Oakland.

If Olympic shooting is her goal, Perata says, she should find a state more
friendly to the sport, much like Olympic skiers go to Utah and Colorado to train.

"She may be better off living in Texas," said Perata, who reluctantly indicated that some limited exemptions to the law might be made if there were compelling reasons.

With the law about to take effect, Lauren's father had to hustle to change the dates of a key match that could lead to a spot on the Olympic shooting team for his daughter.

Santibanez was able to reschedule the match from February to December to avoid any conflicts with the law. His daughter won it and is now the California Junior Olympic sport pistol champion.

Her father still has to decide, by the end of 2000, whether to register the target pistols as assault weapons or face at least the potential of criminal charges. And he's distressed because even if they're registered
they still can't be handled by anyone under 18.

Santibanez considers that an assault on all Junior Olympic shooters, contending, "This takes the hopes away from some young people who had dreams of making the Olympics."

Copyright Union-Tribune Publishing Co.

Nevada alt C.A.N.
The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.

[This message has been edited by Oatka (edited January 24, 2000).]
Here's the heart of it:

"Santibanez doesn't get much sympathy from the author of the law, state Sen. Don Perata, D-Oakland.

If Olympic shooting is her goal, Perata says, she should find a state more friendly to the sport, much like Olympic skiers go to Utah and Colorado to train.

"She may be better off living in Texas," said Perata, who reluctantly indicated that some limited exemptions to the law might be made if there were compelling reasons."

Liberals get more arrogant every year, don't they?

Beyond that observation, its pretty apparent that the real goal was never punishing criminals, just making life for law-abiding gun owners more difficult. Supposedly, this will inspire us to give up the shooting sports and subscribe to Perata's demented little world view, or move to Texas.

Tell me again why I haven't joined a militia?
Perata literally has delusions of grandeur...he also has a CCW and is adamantly against making CCW shall issue. Ol Don also has had a few bribery issues.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Darn right she'd be better off living in Texas--and that was before whatsisname shot off his mouth.

Miss Santibanez, come to Texas. Win the Olympic Gold for us. Then we'll spend the next four years rubbing Californias' nose in it!

I thought skiers went to Utah and Colorado just to train, this girl is wanting to attend college also.
I can't believe she was told to leave her own state to attend college.
These are the kinds of stories that need to make 20/20, 48 Hours, and Dateling, showing how stupid some of the laws are.

"The possession of arms is the distinction between a free man and a slave." Andrew Fletcher, 1695 Discourse on Government
"Tell me again why I haven't joined a militia?"

You don't have to're in it :)

"She may be better off living in Texas," said Perata...

What AMAZING arrogance.
Isn't is just amazing how one ultra left wing liberal can cause misery for countless tens of thousands of people. He is an elitist in the strongest sense. His personal protection is more important than ours, he has a CCW. The rest of us cannot get one.
Have the anti's gotten this arrogant?! Simply amazing, they don't even try to hide their ultimate goal of total disarmament or their distaste for gun owners anymore.



It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
The silver lining here is that I would hope there are few gun owners left who feel the statists are after the other guy's firearms. We're all in the same boat now, and it doesn't really matter whether you have a sidearm, an Olympic pistol, a 'black rifle', or one of those evil bolt action 'sniper' rifles.

People like Perata are the enemy of those who still believe in the 'land of the free, and the home of the brave'.
The following letter to the editor was sent to the San Diego Union-Tribune.

Re: unintended consequences (Jan 16, 2000)

Dear Sirs,

Once again firearms control has been proven to have its greatest effect on the law abiding.

While Mr. Perata avails himself of one of the most precious commodities in California -- a concealed carry of weapons (CCW) permit -- he seeks to limit the availability of firearms to his constituents. In Mr. Perata's opinion, everyone who wishes to possess the firearm of their choice for lawful conduct "... may be better off living in Texas". A fine attitude for this "servant of the people".

While his constituents are left to the whims of 911, Mr. Perata is allowed, by virtue of his CCW permit, to protect himself and his family instantly and at his discretion. Not so, the minions.

While Mr. Perata confidently walks the streets packing one of the very firearms he states are far too prevalent on those streets, his constituents must walk those same streets fearfully.

Such is just one more demonstration of the elitism and disingenuousness of the anti-firearms lobby and their lackeys.


Jim Peel

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.

[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited January 26, 2000).]
I agree with Jeff reguarding the silver lining of this situation. The sooner the antis go after the firearms of professional target shooters, as well as trap shooters' shotguns and hunters' rifles (scoped "sniper" rifles), the sooner we'll finally have the strength to turn things around and repeal these statist laws.

So far the anti-gunners have played their hand well, convincing gullible "sportsmen" that their weapons were excluded (for now). Perhaps they will finally wake up and smell what they've been fed.

It is unfortnate that most people--including the majority of gun owners--will only act when they feel they are personally affected. And it is unfortunate to be forced to hope that the misery will be spread around equally. But these are desperate times.

Let us hope that the anti-gunners continue making the mistake of throwing the frogs right into the boiling water.