the last time I hunted I did not have this dilemma


New member
due to the requirements of the service I have not been deer hunting in 2 years. hunting was easy back then, I had a single rifle that was legal to hunt deer with, so naturally...that's what I took. now I have

the proven, veteran 243.
the AR15 that I never seem to use anymore
the 9mm AR15 that needs to prove the internet nay sayers wrong
the 1903 springfield that would sure make a good story
the 1903A4 sniper that would make an even better story
the enfield no4 that would be fun as heck to use
that enfield no4 in 45ACP(finally shipped and expected to be up and runnning by opening day)
the new to me 44 mag lever gun that weighs less than my 10/22 that would make an awesome brush gun

opening day is one week from tomorrow and I still can't decide what to bring with me... anyone else have that issue sometimes?
Wait till you get some hunting revolvers to go along with the long guns. :D

Yep, it was a lot easier when there were fewer options........
"anyone else have that issue sometimes?"

Nope. Never. Ol' Pet was set up to shoot anything I was likely to hunt, anywhere out to 500 yards. Weatherby Mark V, .06, 26" barrel, Canjar trigger, Leupold Vari-X II 3x9x40. Reliably sub-MOA. Generally, 150-grain Sierra SPBT ahead of 4064.
didn't Bruce Lee say something like

I fear the man who has practised one kick a thousend times more then the man who has practised 1000 different kicks one time each?

just for thought, I to would like to have your dilemma:D
Now you know one more reason why I try not to have firearms with over-lapping purposes.

I currently have:

Glock 33
15" 7mm-08 Pro Hunter Encore
.270WSM being converted to 243AI

A rifle for rifle legal areas, a handgun chambered in a rifle cartridge for places where "rifles" aren't legal. Easy choice, one choice. If it wasn't for "no rifle" areas, I wouldn't even have the Encore.
I share your dilemma and love it. Every year I must decide which rifle will get the call for the comming season. My current choices:
Weatherby Vanguard 30-06
Remington 7400 30-06
Remington Model 7 308
Ruger No.1 7mm mag
Remington 788 6mm
Marlin 336 30-30
Rossi Mod 92 45 Colt & 357 mag

Last year it was the 7400. Took a nice 8-point @ 180 yds, spot and stalked an old boar hog that was about 300 lbs and a nice yote. Good season.
Haven't made up my mind about this season yet. After all, variety is the spice of life.
up until 9 months ago every gun I had served it's own purpose and redundant guns irritated me.

my 243 was good for deer(which was all I hunted then)
my marlin 60 was good for varmints and plinking
my AR15 was bought just because it was obama scare 2008 and I wanted one before they became illegal.
my 9mm AR15 was a cheaper practice AR15
my XDM 45 was my bear defense pistol
my SR9C was my concealed carry pistol
my 300 WBY was my elk and larger game gun

then I got addicted to military surplus bolt actions until I had so many different calibers that limiting myself made no sense anymore. I would love to take the 1903A4 out to hunt deer but I am kindof looking to sell it before I dump any more money into it and dont want to be bouncing it off trees and rocks since I spent all spring restoring it.

my main problem is that the place I'm going hunting offers everything from 25 yard shots to 250 yard shots so on one hand a scope would be a good idea for long range shots but if I spook one up close the scope may become a hindrance.
Well, seems like an easy enough choice then, if you make one lead-up decision.

Do you want to have the best chance of a successful hunt or is it more important to be "different". Nothing wrong with either choice, you just have to make it.

If you want the best chance of killing an animal, the 243 is the obvious choice. If you want a good story, adventure, to be "different", and the reduced odds that come with it, the 1903A4 Sniper seems like the most obvious choice, IMO.
NO!!!!! I have a half dozen milsurps that I can't justify buying on my wish list already...I don't need to add to it....and besides....

that would just compound the problem haha.
tahuna, listen guns are cool, and everybody that wants some ought to have as many as they can enjoy. I still can't make up my mind what I'll use this season,,,, it will probably come down to the lightest rifle in my arsenal which is my Savage 110 .270 win, next on the list would be my Savage 111 30-06, and then last but never least my favorite, Vanguard 7mm rem mag. aahhh crap I can't make up my mind..:confused::D:);):o:rolleyes:
lets see, its deer season again. What shall it be?? 25-06, 260 rem, 6.5-06, 270, 280, 308, 30-06, 8mm-06, 35 wheelan. Or maybe........6.5x55, 7x57, 7.92x57. Nah, just go with ol' reliable............300WM. Same choice I seem to end up almost every year.
I've been down the same road in the past. I've had affairs with other rifles for whitetail (M1A, K98, Garand, even the 1898 Krag.)

I carried each once but keep coming back to the proven rifle. My M96 Sporter in 6.5x55mm

Go with your proven veteran:cool:
I normally have between 3 and 6 rifles sighted and ready to hunt. Some stands are long range propositions and some are under 300 yards so I choose depending on where I want to hunt each day. Later in the antlerless only season, I like to use a smaller caliber since that's when we fill the freezer and I'm more particular about how and where I shoot. The last 3-4 years this has been a 257 Roberts carbine which I find works very well for this chore.
I have 2 deer rifles. An ugly old Savage 7mm mag and a old Rem 700 in .30-06. Usually the Remmy begs me to take it , but I just can't leave that ugly old Savage at home. What it lacks in looks it makes up for in accuracy and shootablity. That rifle feels like it was made just for me.