"The knife culture" ?

I have the solution to people like Mr. Shaw. To quote a TV commercial, "GET A ROPE!" He is obviously the most assinine ass I have ever seen, and you can tell him I said that.
Paul B.

My god we're more than half way down the slippery slope. And people here think gun owners are paranoid. Question is; are you paranoid if people really are after you (or your belongings)?
The Aussies didn't invent this one....its been operative in England for over a year.

Why am I not surprised?

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Did you catch the part that said they were going to discuss 20 censorship issues? Good God! What are these people thinking? I suppose that 10 inch carving knife in the kitchen drawer is ok while a beautifuly crafted and decorated 4 inch folder is a deadly weapon? What's next? Banning small easy to hide knives? Or maybe cheap, poorly made Saturday night special blades?
Seems to me I've heard all this crap before. :(
In the very first sentence of that release there is a reference to " censorship ministers".
Imagine that, a bureaucrat whose sole purpose in life is to decide what the ignorant sheeple should or shouldn't see!

"You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on having both at once"
Well, I guess this gives you some idea of the mentality of our "leaders". We have one of the most beautiful countries in the world -- and we are over-regulated and over-governed to the point of it being ridiculous.

I don't know why, but I can offer two theories:

1. We are now experiencing the results of three decades of a the great socialist experiment, instituted by the Labor government in the 70s. Those people in positions of authority now are a product of that experiment, and know no different.

2. The urbanisation of Australia. The image of the bronzed, laconic Aussie from the Outback died somewhere in the 60s as Australia's economy moved further asnd further away from a rural base. We are now one of the most highly-urbanised countries in the world, and the majority of city-dwellers only know about those items we regards as "tools" (guns, knives) from the media, and we know how fair they are ... NOT!!

Note that here in the west, prohibited weapons include (as well as proscribed firearms): batons, pepper spray, knives that have edges on both sides of the blade, pepper spray, martial arts weapons (nunchakus in particular), replica firearms (you can still own them, but they're moving to close that loophole, too), BB guns, slingshots. If police _suspect_ you are carrying a knife, they can detain and search you. As one senior cops said, "If I catch you carrying a knife, you'd better have a pole over your shoulder and smell strongly of fish". You can't even carry an "offensive weapon" (knife, baseball bat) in your car without a legitimate reason.

There is _no_ sanity.

Wow, just when things were starting to get boring, you guys start sliding toward dictatorship! Thanks. I needed a little excitement.
Why don't all freedom-loving Aussies come to the U.S. to live while all of the Liberal anti-Constitutionalist Americans go over there to live (or vice versa). Then we could each form our respective "perfect" countries without interference from each other.
I'm not going to declare the exact point at which I would sanction armed rebellion against the US government. I will say that the Australian government has passed that point.
Spartacus: That's basically my attitude: They had a choice; They could revolt, or forever foreclose on that option by handing over their guns. They chose the latter course, and should stop whining as the totalitarian state they've submitted to is implemented. My question is, when that choice confronts us, what will WE do? Oops, forgot that you can't own guns AND discuss that topic... Never mind.
Lighten up on our Aussie friends, will ya? Different country, different culture and different rules. I'm sure they put up a good fight. They already feel bad enough.
We need to hear their story in order to keep it from happening here.

You said:

They [Australians] had a choice; They could revolt, or forever foreclose on that option by handing over their guns.

Really?? How easy it must be to sit 10 000 miles or so away and write that. Revolt?? The vast majority of us are family people -- my wife was petrified (and still is) that my big mouth would get me a gaol term. The government allowed us to keep some guns, so we immediately lost the sympathy of the majority of the population (who do not own guns). "You've still got a couple of rifles -- what are you bitching about?" is a question I've been asked more than once.

Revolt?? The legislation was passed through parliament and signed into existence in 10 days. Let's see you organise a "revolt" in that time. And if it's not organised and coherent, it's not a revolt, it's random dissidents who can be cleaned up separately. You would have (as the media would portray it) a "few rabid pro-gun lobbyists were shot in a running firefight with police when they refused to hand in prohibited weapons. Australia is now a safer place."

Revolt?? There's just over 100 000 of us in the SSAA (our version of the NRA). There's 18 000 000 people in Australia. And that 100 000 is spread over a country the size of North America (excluding Alaska).

No, Brett, don't tell us what we should have done until you've walked a mile in our shoes. Look at some of the postings on TFL, and see how often the phrase law-abiding gun owners is used. Any attempt at a revolt would have been just the excuse needed for a total prohibition on all firearms. And guess what? The government has the numbers on its side, not the gun owners.

They chose the latter course, and should stop whining as the totalitarian state they've submitted to is implemented.

Chose?? "Chose" implies we were given a choice -- we had none and Buckley's (an expression which means simply "no bloody choice at all").

Whining?? Your prerogative to call it that if you wish. Personally, I try to alert fellow gun owners in one of the few "free" places left in the world as to how easy it is for this type of thing to happen. If we'd had any idea the extent the government was prepared to go back in 1996, the outcome may have been different. But we were caught flatfooted. As the saying goes, "Forewarned is forearmed". We were neither. We have an expression here: "She'll be right", which means "It'll be OK; it will all work out all right in the end". That was the attitude that lost us our "privileges", and that is the attitude I try to warn Americans against adopting.

But you suit yourself how you interpret it.

Well said Bruce - though I had not intended to start a "transnational flame". I think we'll agree that that would not be the spirit of The Firing Line, nor appropiate to this forum. "Choices" have been missed by US Americans too, even within a Constitution that has far more respect for individual liberties than any other I know of... as many postings here have shown. One persons "whining" is anothers "rightful protest".

I think that Bruce has a good point in the 'growing urbanization' effect. Australia has 85% of her people in cities (and a huge amount of empty space. Here in Argentina - just across the Pacific Ocean from Australia - we have 88% (and also a big empty country) - and we have restrictive gun laws, tolerable so far but there are storm clouds, but mainly we have a continuous stream of legislation made to measure for the pale and nervous denizens of Buenos Aires. Also all our political parties are socialist. Come election time, there are no 'choices'. BTW The US rates at 76% urban, but spread over a number of cities. Remember Missouri, where the vote on "proposition B" was doing fine until St. Luis and Kansas City sheeple got counted. (I think Art had a posting to this effect in that forum).

The good fight is world wide - the rights of individual people are not the property of any government - be they Clinton's, Milosevic, Howard, Tony Blair or Carlos Menem.

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity"

PS: I highly recommend the SSAA page:


These people are fighting!