The Klinton/Democrat Agenda:


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Gun Control and “Safety:”—Work toward the complete and total abolition of firearms in the hand of law-abiding citizens. This must be done piecemeal, under the guise of “crime control,” and “firearm Safety,” so as not to alarm the “sheeple” that their rights are being abridged. Achieve the goals of the United Nations.

Effect:---In addition to subjugation of citizens, causes increase in violent crime against citizens. Also voids the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution.

Total Federalization of the public education system:---Make all public education subject to the NEA, create re-education centers for the New World Order, promote Liberalism, and outcome based education.

Effect:---Total loss of parental input and local control of schools. Effectively “dumb-down” the next generation of citizens, making them more easily controlled subjects. Test scores, nationwide, currently show a generation of children with LESS basic skills than their parents had at their age.

Relaxation of Border controls and Immigration policy:---Drastically increase immigration to the U.S. from 3rd world countries, while giving only token effort to stemming illegal immigration. Grant all manner of benefits, and “Rights” to illegal aliens.

Effect:---Increase in the uneducated, dependant class of people with low job skills, and blind loyalty to the Democrat Party. Causes breakdown in National unity, and strains health and support systems. Causes a drastic increase in crime rates. Creates a populace that is more accepting of World Government.

Demoralization and De-funding of the Military:---Promote homosexuality and social experimentation in the military. Require cutbacks in vital military programs. Politicize military leadership by appointing leaders based on Democrat Party affiliation rather than ability. Assign military units to perform functions under control of United Nations.

Effect:---Causes breakdown in military preparedness, and mission capability. Promotes turnover of military control to the United Nations. Leaves us vulnerable to attack by aggressive nations.

Abolishment of Religious activities from all public forums:---Under the guise of “Separation of Church and State,” curtail all expressions of religious belief in public schools and forums. Use their allies in media to denigrate and belittle those who believe in God as the ultimate power in the universe. Promote secular humanism.

Effect:---Establish a new religion of “Universal Socialism,” where all power comes from the State, and all gratitude is due to the State.

Promotion of United Nations interference in National Sovereignty:---Allow U.N. Directives to cause deployment of U.S. troops into countries to fight in “Police Actions,” to enforce the will of The New World Order.

Effect:---Causes our troops to intervene in actions where no U.S. interest is involved. Sets us up for a complete turnover of military forces to “World Command,” under the U.N.

Granting of “special” rights, and status to various minority groups:---Promote “multiculturalism,” and convince various groups that they deserve special dispensations due to actions by an oppressive majority.

Effect:---Causes more prejudice and class/ethnic division and hatred. Separates people into various ethnic enclaves who distrust each other. Breaks down national unity.

Nationalization of the health care system:---Encourage and promote Socialized healthcare system. Promote this as a “Right” even though it is not to be found in the Constitution.

Effect:---Creates even more dependence on Government as “provider of all necessities.” Causes inevitable rationing of healthcare services. After “profit is removed as an incentive, new innovations in medicine will cease. Unbridled cost of this will ultimately bankrupt the tax base.

Deficit spending to fund new Government programs, while referring to it as “Investment in Infra-structure:”---Claiming to “invest” the “budget surplus,” promote all manner of Government spending, and “pork barrel” projects.

Effect:---Turns over more wealth and power to the greedy Government, and from the pockets of producers (taxpayers). The poorer people are, the easier they are to control.

Pass Regulations, Mandates and Directives to cover virtually every aspect of human existence: ---Create and ever-expanding bureaucracy, with power to regulate business, property, behavior, environment, and even thought (hate speech).

Effect:---Furthers the “Liberal” dream of creating an “ant-hill” society, where all thought and activity are directed by a central authority. Conversely, this kind of regulation breeds contempt for reasonable laws and furthers the breakdown of society.

[This message has been edited by KAC556 (edited January 30, 2000).]
Now, with the exceptions of speed and priority order, let's hear how this Clinton/Democrat agenda differs from the agenda of most Republicans.

That's MOST Republicans; not Ron Paul, Larry Craig, Bob Barr, and a few others...

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited January 30, 2000).]
Respectfully, this agenda is not supported by main stream Republicans. It has, however, been part and parcal of the Democrat agenda for more than 30 years. There has never been a major political party, in the USA, so totally taken over by Socialism as are the Democrats!
Respectively, I submit that we are quite capable of screwing up this fine country all buy ourselves. By "we," I mean collectively as a whole, not as "us" good guys (as in TFL & like-mideds). Certainly, there's the UN pressure, but I do believe that even w/o that, we'd do it to ourselves anyway.

As to GoP, they'll do the same thing. Might take a while longer but the results will be the same.

Boiling a frog, eating an elephant - incrementalism etas a bite at a time & oops! there she goes.

Although I ;m a registered Repub, I don't see them doing any preemptive-type legislation trying to roll back the BS. Perhaps if we had a GoP controlled Senate?house & a GoP Prez we'd get some action. However, we got that right now in CO & I'm disgusted. Sme crap as would the Dems do except it's a smaller piece at a crack.
The following is submitted in "evidence" of the Republicans attempt to roll back some of this Lunacy. Please note the growing number of co-sponsers (all Republican). If they had a clear majority in Congress, and the Presidency, I believe much of this legislation would pass. (This was only a short research; I'm sure there is more.)
With Klinton at the helm, it's all D.O.A

H.R. 407, the Concealed carry Reciprocity bill, is sponsored by Congressman Ron Paul. This bill was just currently introduced. This bill would allow all CCW holders to carry in all 50 states. This bill would also go further than other bills because it would allow citizens from states such as Vermont to carry without a permit. Because Vermont does not require an individual to obtain a permit to carry, a citizen from a Vermont-style state would be allowed to carry without a permit. Now with 20 co-sponsors (10/24/99).

H.R. 347, the Citizens Defense Act, was recently introduced. This bill would protect citizens, who use a gun in self-defense from prosecution. By this, if a citizen were to defend himself with a gun while not having a CCW, they would be immune from prosecution. Now with 55 co-sponsors (8/9/99).

"Second Amendment Rights Protection Act."
Senate Bill S. 597 and House bill H.R. 1178 has been introduced by Senator Bob Smith and Congressman Corburn. This bill would prohibit the FBI from charging gun owners a fee for using the Brady Instant check system. If action is not taken by the end of this year, the FBI will begin charging a fee every time someone buys a gun. S. 597 and H.R. 1178 also allow individuals to sue the FBI for violations of privacy under the Brady Law.
This bill must pass because the FBI is currently seeking to keep information concerning gun buyers for 90 days. The FBI also seeks to share information on gun buyers with the BATF (So they can harass gun dealers). Finally, the FBI, wishes to keep records on certain gun buyers without a time limit to "pursue cases of identified misuse of the system." (How long will it be before the FBI "misuses" the system?).

"Stop Firearm Lawsuits With Federal Legislation."
H.R. 1032 introduced by Congressman Bob Barr, would prevent city, county, or state governments from suing gun companies. Greedy mayors have been trying to line their pockets by going after the makers of a perfectly safe product. The gun makers would most likely win in court, but legal fees could put the gun makers out of business. That is why we need this pro-gun federal legislation. Senator Bob Smith will soon introduce a similar bill in the Senate. H.R. 1032 currently has 90 co-sponsors (11/7/99).