The IRS wants to silence Us ( and others! )


New member
This just in from GOA:

IRS Wants To Shut Down Pro-gun Internet Activities

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

January 8, 2001

The IRS has proposed some dangerous threats to free speech in their
IRS Announcement 2000-84 (10/16/00).

In a transparent effort to protect the incumbents in Congress, the
Announcement would prohibit a link from the GOA web site to, for
example, the Bush and the Gore sites so that you can see for
yourself what their positions on firearms are during a campaign. Of
course, GOA could do so if we subjected ourselves to the terms of
the Speech Police at the Federal Election Commission.

If GOA were to be treated as a political committee by the federal
government, all of its members would have to be reported. That is
obviously totally unacceptable.

In an effort to deny funds for communications to members and the
public, the Announcement would tax any proceeds from books and other
products purchased at the GOA web site. If someone wants to further
the work of GOA by purchasing things from GOA, why should the
government put its greedy hands on that "income?" In other words,
the IRS wants a Speech Tax.

The announcement would also limit those with whom GOA could
communicate. The IRS would determine who is a member and then say
that only members can receive e-mail from GOA.

Please communicate your displeasure with this Announcement by
February 13, 2001.

You can send your objections via postal mail to:
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington DC 20224
Attn: Judith E. Kindell

You can use the address: *TE/ to e-mail your

Please circulate this call for action to as many people as you can.

The text of the Ammouncement is on pages 385-387 of the IRS bulletin
at (401 Kb, Adobe
Acrobat required).

If you wish, you can use the suggested language below and post or
e-mail it.

Internal Revenue Service
Attn: Judith E. Kindell
1111 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington DC 20224

Re: Announcement 2000-84

Dear Ms. Kindell,

Please do not put these measures into effect.

The government has no business regulating or taxing speech and the
organizations involved in advocacy.

I want to know what candidates say, and I want non-profit
organizations to tell me how to find candidate web pages so I can
see for myself what candidates are saying.

I do not want to have to "join" an organization to receive e-mail
from them.

I don't want the IRS diluting the effectiveness of organizations I
support by taxing the proceeds of their product sales. If I choose
to support them in that way, I don't want you getting a cut.

U.S. House of Representatives Majority Leader Dick Armey had it
right: "The idea of turning the tax man into a Net cop would have a
chilling effect on free speech on the internet."


Special! Become a GOA Life Member ($500) and receive one thousand
dollars ($1000) in free world-class training! Front Sight Firearms
Training Institute offers a two-day defensive handgun course,
two-day tactical shotgun course, or a two-day practical rifle course
PLUS a one-day submachine gun course where they provide the Uzis and
all the ammo. This $1000 value is free for new GOA Life Members.
Please see for details.

Do not reply directly to this message.

To subscribe to free, low-volume GOA alerts, go to on the web. Change of e-mail
address may also be made at that location.

To unsubscribe send a message to
with the word unsubscribe in the subject line.

Problems, questions or comments? The main GOA e-mail address is at your disposal. Please do not add that
address to distribution lists sending more than ten messages per
week or lists associated with issues other than gun rights.

Now is the time to CALL your Reps-- all of them! and nip these freedom-stealing, un-elected ( anf hence unaccountable ) bureaucrats in the bud.
A one-page letter or fax would help too- I like hard copy that can sit on a desk, get re-read, and passed along.

If you don't do it- who will? HCI? Sarah?
Find it faster...

The article begins on page 40 of 47 of the Adobe Reader pagination. Save a bunch of scrolling and go there using the "Next Page" button to page 40 right hand column.
JPFO sends alert on this matter

Just got a similar e-mail about this from JPFO- at least the word's getting out!
The IRS is silencing speech? Whoda thunk!

What do you think the purpose of tax-free 501(c)(3) churches is? It tells the preacher that if he engages in politics the church will lose the tax-exempt status.

Just another reason to repeal the income tax.

I know this isn't directly related....

But how far are we from tyranny? Is it here already and we just don't recognize it as such? It's pretty obvious these unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats have about as much power as they possibly could want.

Here is my letter

I read the announcement in detail and composed the following letter which I sent snail mail and also as an e-mail.

January 9, 2001

Internal Revenue Service
Attn: Judith E. Kindell
1111 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington DC 20224

Reference:Announcement 2000-84
Subject: My comments to the above referenced announcement.

Dear Ms. Kindell,

I have read the above referenced announcement and have some very strong feelings in opposition to the application of new IRS provisions concerning the use of the Internet. These provisions smack of the regulation of free speech and the application of new taxation with respect to an organization's involvement in political support.

As I see it, the IRS would much rather have me "tune into my local media" to receive the pertinent facts on candidates rather than let me decide that for myself. I want to know specifically about candidates and I want non-profit organizations to indicate to me the candidate web pages so I can see for myself.

The internet "is" my pipeline to the world, not the biased electronic media and newspapers that use to be the only source of current communications. As a free citizen of this country, I don't want the IRS diluting the effectiveness of organizations I support by taxing the proceeds of their product sales. The IRS does not need to continue to reach into our pockets for every facet of life.

I clearly have heard the "No Internet Taxes" statements from the elected leaders of our country and I will let them know again.

Amen, RickD....


Alan Keyes would have already established a plan for that if he were elected....Democrats are so putrid!
But how far are we from tyranny?

Are you sure you want to find out? There is an essay written some time ago that serves as a guideline for when people are morally able to resist tyranny. Essentially, this essay says that people throughout history pretty-much grin and bear it for quite some time as governments turn up the heat and crank the screws. But it deliniates a point where, and I must admit this is very radical, a people not only can but are morally obligated to resist. Toward the end of the essay it lists a couple dozen things a government can do to show that it is not worthy of respect. Read it and see how many of these apply.

You might have a little trouble finding this document in your local public school, of course. ;) But I am sure you can find it with an internet search. Just use the key words declaration of independence. You will find all you need to know in that essay.


Can you do me a favor and post your letter on my list ? The purpose of the list is to give those prone to activism tips and assignments. Your letter is perfect. Allow the list members to be inspired (and to cut and paste) by your work. Give 150 other people something to do in their spare time and magnify your efforts.

[note to those who might join the list]
We don't use the anti-anti list to preach and b|tch and moan. No cross-posting for xposting's sake. If you post an issue, it should be accompanied by an action plan and contact information.


Can't find it!

I am unable to find the anti-antigunlobby group area. could you give me instructions on how to find it. Currently the URL that you gave ( only gets me to the main page. I even tried searching and was not successful.

Let me know and I'll post it.
Hmmmm. Once in egroups, do a search on "anti-antigunlobby." That should take you to it. You may actually have to register with egroups to get to that stuff.

Keep trying. If you can't get in, I can post it for you.

So is the GOA a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) organization? Does anyone have a copy of the charter? Which state is it registered in? What about the status of the MMM? Who do they link to with their page. I mean, the MMM was very nonpolitical and all with their rally. Not a single politician or elected official or to-be-elected official there...NOT!!
GOA and the Internet need help!

This is an example of how the "central government" is silencing conservitive free speech.
We cannot win this war of ideas with the liberal media, and the one hope I have had, is the internet would help guys like myself find the truth.
GOA is the best Pro-Active gun group I belong to, with e-mail alerts, it has helped a lot of us stay on top of bills, and contact our congress critters in a timely fasion.
Please take a moment to join this fine group, and help fight for OUR freedoms!!

BTW, sign-up for E-Mail Alerts is FREE
Recall the 18 or so conservative groups that where targeted by the Clinton IRS during his term. This included the Heritage Foundation, for Chrisakes.

Sen. McCain wants the same silence

If Senator John McCain gets his Unconstitutional "Campaign Finance Reform" bill through, and the IRS succeeds in their endevor to silence pro-freedom groups, we are done, and they know it.
Lance in Michigan