The impact of the DC's decision

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The only problem with that scenario is that I do not think it would cause an uprising but instead a rounding up of exist gun collections and in some cases gun owners that resist. I just do not think it matters enough to the masses to rise up because of it. :(
Here is the opposition's side

To think they are actually saying THEY (the Brady Anti gun Nazi's) are "Protecting our Nations gun Laws" :barf:

This is the Email they are sending out.

This Tuesday, March 18, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear what could be the most significant Second Amendment case in our country's history — and your Brady Center will be there.

Thanks to your support and the support of members like you, we will be in the courtroom on Tuesday — and then speaking to the press on the steps of the Supreme Court immediately afterwards. We've already contacted ABC, CNN, and Fox News and have done advance interviews with other media outlets.

The Brady Center's team of lawyers have been hard at work preparing our arguments and providing in-depth expertise to those involved with the case over the past twelve months since a U.S. Court of Appeals struck down a gun law as violating the Second Amendment for the first time in American history.

And in November, when the Supreme Court decided to take the case, thanks to your support, we put together an amicus brief that was co-signed by nine national law enforcement groups. In addition, the Brady team helped to coordinate and support other friend-of-the-court briefs that were filed by doctors and nurses, law professors, historians, and others who believe in sensible gun laws.

In the past few weeks, a barrage of national and regional media requests have come in to the Brady Center. These will continue — beyond when the Supreme Court's decision is announced later this spring. And our goal is to use the media's coverage of the case to educate the public on what the Second Amendment means for gun laws in our country.

The U.S. Supreme Court has the opportunity to reverse a clearly erroneous decision and make it clear that the Constitution does not prevent communities from having the gun laws they believe are needed to protect public safety. The Brady Center will be there — for you — to defend America's gun laws.

We will keep you posted on what develops — and updates will be available Tuesday afternoon at, including links to the courtroom audio.


Sarah Brady, Chair

Already alerted the Media, they are counting on a win looks like
Strange that these "National Law Enforcement" groups have deceptive names .Sounds like a big group with a jillion members but as with many orgs their roots are in the group looking for backing . Same with doctors , nurses etc. . Well my doctor carries a Kimber .45 . I don't see him and Sarah cuddling on this one . They are throwing names around as if everyone of that ilk is in total lockstep with them . Remember the TV ad for The Club ? The guy in uniform was identified as "Pennsylvania Police Captain" . If you looked at his uniform you could tell he was not a State Cop . It was insinuated so the product would be perceived as being endorsed by the PA State Police . I'm not knocking small town PD's or even the Club . Just the misleading tactics used to further an agenda . Brady is and has been guilty of this right down the line .This will be a steak and sizzle decision . We want steak but all we'll get is sizzle . I hope no one expects the SCOTUS to come out and say "Anyone in this country that is not a felon is entitled to own and carry IN ANY MANNER THEY SEE FIT any weapon , at any time and in any place just as The Constitution intended ." If this happens I can only hope that all the anti's get so upset that they shoot themselves . Poetic justice . Just reversing DC would be a big win for us . It would be a precedent of spirit if not in fact . Trouble is that there are too many judges that are in agreement with Brady and the rest of them . They are the rabble from the 60's that protested everything that held this country together . Now they are judges . They threw dog crap at returning soldiers and are trying to do the same to us now .
The ruling will be so narrow in scope as to not be meaningful, and they will skirt the issue for another 70 years.
Let's not litter the forum with dozens of Heller related materials. There are other open threads where all of this may be (and are being) discussed. :(
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