the idiotic arrogance of The Brady Bunch


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BELLEVUE, WA – The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms is taking issue with a crass remark by Peter Hamm, spokesman for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, in which Hamm contended in a Fox News report that self-defense advocates have no business on college campuses.

Hamm’s remark, reported by Fox News on Wednesday, was, “You don’t like the fact that you can’t have a gun on your college campus? Drop out of school.”

CCRKBA Executive Director Mark A. Taff, himself a part-time college student, fired back, “For a fairly bright, though philosophically misguided guy, Peter said a remarkably stupid thing and he ought to apologize to every college student who believes that their right of self-defense should not be nullified simply by stepping onto a college campus.”

Taff said the Virginia Tech outrage might never have happened if that university had not adopted a campus gun ban, and actively lobbied against a proposed statute that would have allowed legally-licensed students and instructors to be armed. A shooting at Virginia’s Appalachian Law School a few years ago ended when the gunman was confronted by two armed students. A high school shooter in Pearl, Mississippi was taken down at gunpoint by a school administrator who ran to his private vehicle, retrieved a pistol and confronted the gunman.

“To suggest that anyone who disagrees with his personal view about firearms and personal protection ought to voluntarily sacrifice their higher education makes Hamm seem like an elitist snob,” Taff observed. “That’s an insult to thousands of students, like myself, who are this week participating in the ‘Empty Holster Protest’ on college campuses across the country. Certainly Peter doesn’t actually want students to be murdered, assaulted, robbed or raped, does he? We’d like to believe he is a better man than that.

“The real issue here isn’t what Hamm thinks, but the fact that under today’s laws and campus regulations, college and university students, teachers and staff are essentially living in victim disarmament zones,” Taff said. “These are essentially risk-free environments for thugs and lunatics, and that’s outrageous. Instead of encouraging personal safety advocates to quit school, we ought to be encouraging them to stay and change these environments.”


In the Yiddish language, there is a word that exactly describes Mr. Hamm. That word is PUTZ. The use of this word to characterize Hamm is NOT intended to limit his First Amendment Rights or any other rights, rather it simply describes him for what he is, a PUTZ and an arrogant one at that, or so he seems to me.
Personally I find the best Yiddish adjective to describe a Brody Buncher is "schtarker"...

Putzes are just idiots without animus, sort of like schlemiels on crack

WildyepschtarkerAlaska TM
Clasiically, schtarker means strong or brave, like as schtark vi a ferd (strong as a horse)...but of course that morphed slangwise into "thug" ....the guys from Murder Inc., including my own putative relative (and Lepkes right hand man) Jake "Gurrah" Shapiro were all schtarkers ;)

Now the Bradys are political schtarkers rather than homicidal ones :eek:

WildandthereisyouryiddishlessonbubelehAlaska TM

One could also call them Schnorers (parasites)

Auf Deutsch es wird "stark wie ein Pferd" (strong as a horse)


One thing does seem abundantly clear, gun owners are much more tolerant people than anti-gunners. And the "Brady bunch" are some of the worst of the lot. Generally, gun owners don't care if you own guns or not. And the don't seem to really care what guns you own either.

Antis almost universally take the "my way or the highway" approach. Kind of like radical fundamental Islam.:rolleyes:
Clasiically, schtarker means strong or brave, like as schtark vi a ferd (strong as a horse)...

Hamm is strong, like horse; smart, like tractor.

Of course he's a schmuck too (yes, I know what it means).

Personally, I don't think the CCRKBA statement was worded strongly enough. Mr. Hamm's suggestion that people must waive a constitutional right to obtain higher education is abhorrent to the ideals of this country. Perhaps Mr. Hamm would also suggest, in the name of protecting students, that they also give up their 4th Amendment rights.
If you ever go to a school up here in the NE, you quickly learn that the First amendment is discreetly quelled as well. You can say anything you want - as long as it's PC, 'diverse', and on the left side of things.
If you ever go to a school up here in the NE, you quickly learn that the First amendment is discreetly quelled as well. You can say anything you want - as long as it's PC, 'diverse', and on the left side of things.

Uh.,.not really. You're in MA. It's different there.

NH is still the United States. The local community paper just had a front-page article about the trophies won by a high school's shooting club in national competition. :)

NH and ME and parts of VT are still part of America. MA has detached and paddled over to Socialist Europe. Shame. I've seen old brochures from there, it looks like it used to be a nice conservative place!
Maine and Vermont seem like some of the only places where the radical right and the radical left both thrive. In Maine the audubon and the hunters get along and fight against the loggers.
NH is still the United States. The local community paper just had a front-page article about the trophies won by a high school's shooting club in national competition.

Well the local paper about two years ago had a front page article on a local female Olympic shooter. They also have a weekly article in the sports section on local shooting sports, and hunting. Things are not that bad in many parts of the state.
People often forget that Mass is not just Boston. Still, I love Boston, and visit as much as I can. Furthermore the cost of living is a bigger reason I don't live there than any gun laws, it just costs too damn much for me.