The "I hate politicians rant"

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I hate politicians. Always have, always will.

They remove our power to care for ourselves, yet they refuse to take responsibility for us.

Today's finest example...

I turn on my 'puter and my home page says that 7 people are shot up in a TN church by a nut with a boomstick. No one is dead, yet.

Ok, so where is this going, you ask.

TN laws are very close in regards to AR laws. You can get a ''shall issue'' permit to carry your pistol of choice, but, by god, you law abiding serf, you better not take it to church. Lord only knows when you will lose it an shoot up the place because you are a Christian.

So another victim zone has been opened up.

There are lots of fine law abiding permit holders in TN. How many were in service today praying that they had had the guts to to say "$uck the law, I need my gun."

I am sick of being made to be victim on both sides of the law.

You can get a permit for your gun, but you better not shoot some someone who really deserves it. You have been vetted by the system, but you better not carry in their listed locations of high risk.

Sign up now to have your teeth and claws removed too.

You cannot be trusted with the tools to provide for your own safety and no one will be there to save you either.

Lie down and die like a good slave is supposed to.

We aren't citizens. We are the good serfs they wanted.

Lovely. Just Lovely.

I am so glad that I belong to a civilized society.
Well said cold dead hand well said one day maybe more than just one individual will stand up for are rights as law enforcment cant be every where at once.
No one's forcing you to stay here. There's a whole world full of other countries where you might fit in better.

I would ask you though...if there's so much wrong in your eyes, what have YOU done to try to fix things?
TN laws are very close in regards to AR laws. You can get a ''shall issue'' permit to carry your pistol of choice, but, by god, you law abiding serf, you better not take it to church. Lord only knows when you will lose it an shoot up the place because you are a Christian.

TN does not have a prohibition against carrying a weapon in a church. Churches are treated like any other private property, in that the owner decides whether to allow carry on the premises and, if not, has to comply with the specific regulations on signage.
Just another rant by Cold.

I wonder if in the days before computers he would have stood on the street corner and complained to people walking down the street.

I would love to see Cold answer this
I would ask you though...if there's so much wrong in your eyes, what have YOU done to try to fix things?
Cold, if you see the problem and solution so clearly, why don't YOU change it? Run for office.

It ain't perfect, but it's the best in the world. USA rules!
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