The "HEAT OF COMPETITION" -- and I'm going


New member
As soon as I'm finished with my Pentium fix I'm going out into the (rain, fog?) world for our monthly USPSA match.

I'm taking the 1911 and Witnesses in 9x19 and 40. So.....I can do: Open, Limited, Limited Ten, or Production, Major or Minor.

Too tired to shoot the Redhawk(s); up until 4:00 AM making ammo.

My kung fu will be strong......sight alignment trigger control...


"all my handguns are competition handguns"

But not too too bad (my kung fu was NOT strong).............started out strong, but second stage ate me alive, and downhill was my direction of choice.

Gun, as expected, was the pefect partner. Wish I could perform as well as it does.

Next ---
I can definitely relate to your last shoot. I've been on that downhill before or stay on it. USPSA is steel target, right? I shoot IDPA only and love it. I have been competing (well showing up, anyway) for about 3 months now. Last week, I finally broke the top ten (out of 30) with a 7 th place finish. Best of luck on your next shoot and may your "kung fu be strong"!!

Thanks, I reviewed the links you posted, sounds fun. I think I need to check into IPSC.

I completed my second IDPA classifier this weekend and managed to shave a few seconds off the first one. I went from a 180 Marksman to a 160 Marksman in the SSP (stock service pistol class). I've got a long way to go, but I'm still proud for the moment. :D