the gun of next century

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vince weng

New member
if you have only one pistol you can have for the next century, what is that? Will that be glock, sig, s&w, or HK. You will pick one which you could count on it no matter what not the one you like because it is fancy and beautiful.

Probably I will choose glock 17 (9mm). Glock is reliable and accurate. 9mm ammo can be had anywhere and supplied for a long period of time even it were discontinued.

I have a sig and love it very much. I will choose it if I can. If the only one that I can have, I will go for glock.
I would go with the G-19. Mostly for the same reasons you picked the G-17, but for me, a G-19 is easier to conceal.
It would be a toss-up.....either my P228 or my Combat Commander.....whichever I had the most ammo for at the time probably
FN Five seveN. Haven't even touched one, will probably never see one for sale in this country...

But I want it!!!

OTOH, the Glock 9 will probably dominate the next few yrs like the BHP did the last few?

Even though I like the USP best(today)...

G17 or G21, I have had great luck with glocks over all my other guns, G17 got 15k on it not a single broken part, allthough my colt gov. model makes up for the glocks in the broken parts dept.
One gun to last the Century heah? Hmmm, that would be the Glock 20. It will make an excellent defensive pistol and, if needed, can also be used for hunting.

I would also like 50 high capacity mags and plenty of ammo please!!
HK USP 45 bar none. I think most HK owners will agree. It is by far the most durable gun I have ever owned. Including: Springfields, Glock, Colts, and Smiths. There is just no comparison.
I'm with BrokenArrow here. I think we'll see a trend like we have in military longguns towards smaller high energy calibers. The FN Five seveN is on the cutting edge. Other makers will introduce new models to handle new cartridges like the Five seveN. Big bores will still have their place but won't be able to defeat armor and go long range like the cartridges of the future.

Undoubtedly this will be controversial, but we don't need another 9mm versus 45ACP debate. This is just my prognosis of what's in store,


[This message has been edited by bald1 (edited 02-11-99).]
I say the Glock 19 or 23. First, a Glock because they last forever, and a 19 because 9mm ammo is everwhere, but the 40S&W is a stronger round and is fast becoming the round of choice of police dept.'s world wide (lots of availability). Stay Safe, Sam
1911 Colt or Kimber: toss up. More 1911 model pistols have been produced in the twentieth century than all others combined. There is no reason to doubt that this will continue to be the case in the twenty first. John Browning's design is timeless.
Well, if these lawsuits go through and the gun companies wind up paying. The question may be "What gun can you afford in the next century"?
When your picking a caliber for availability I think the guys that say the 40S&W is catching up are correct. Just 4-5 years ago when I would be gleaning the brass at our range from the 2 police depts that shoot there, I would find a 1000 9s, a few hundred 45's and few if any 40's. I just sorted my brass that I have collected over the past few months and it is about 50% 9's, 50% 40's with a smattering of 45's. I think that all of the big police depts have been dumping 9's and going with the 40's for several years now and I don't see any reason for it to change.
Since I won't be lasting too far into that century I don't think that I have to worry about a gun for the century. Jim
PS: The way things are changing I probably won't be too unhappy about going. I think that is the best reason for a limited life: a person can only stand so much change.
Call me Old Fashioned!
I could be happy with a number of handguns. Glock, 1911, HK, Browning, etc. But if I could only have one gun... S&W 4" Model 686. A real stopper with Remington 125 gr. loads and various .38s for other stuff.
Of course this is just my opinion. Not saying it's better than anything else that others like, or that it is the best for everything. I like 'em.
Geez. I'm starting to sound like my Dad.
Anyone know the difference between the cartridge used in the Five seveN and the .224 Boz? Which is superior for a handgun-sized SMG?

The gun of next century (millenium) appears that it will be the single-shot .22 rifle, at the rate gun control laws are passing now. And why didn't you include Llama and Norinco in your choices?

I'll take the Glock 29.

[This message has been edited by Exiled And Addicted (edited 02-12-99).]
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