'The Gun Lobby Has 'Captured' The ATF'---Umm, Yea for us???


New member
Yep, here's the headline:
The Gun Lobby Has 'Captured' The ATF, Report Argues
I didn't even know we were doing that!
(Nobody tells me anything!)

The 'REPORT' though is from the Giffords group. They want Congress and the Department of Justice to lift some of the restrictions on the ATF.

One of the really troubling things the Giffords want is to let the ATF digitize gun sales records. This is one of the things the ATF is forbidden to do. The reason being it could easily become a gun registry.

The article can be found here:

They also put this out:
[the Giffords group] says the Justice Department should do more to protect ATF from gun industry attacks.
And I didn't know we were doing THAT either. I'm just plain out of the loop.
Too bad we hadn't "captured" them in the 90s, we might have avoided Ruby Ridge and Waco...

Are the current generation of ATF still considered "cowboys" and "loose cannons" by the rest of Fed LEOs? Don't hear much of that today, but back then, we sure did....

You're not "out of the loop", you're just not in the delusional loop the people claiming "the gun industry controls the world" are...
Too bad we hadn't "captured" them in the 90s, we might have avoided Ruby Ridge and Waco...

Are the current generation of ATF still considered "cowboys" and "loose cannons" by the rest of Fed LEOs? Don't hear much of that today, but back then, we sure did....

You're not "out of the loop", you're just not in the delusional loop the people claiming "the gun industry controls the world" are...

In the case of Ruby Ridge, was anyone actually held accountable or was the punishment for the government merely to fork over taxpayer money in restitution?
The whining continues here: NBC News - ATF 2 Week Trace

I saw the broadcast version last night which was less comprehensive than the one linked. I am surprised that deep down in the online article they actually mentioned some of the more legitimate concerns voiced by 2nd Amendment advocates - the California release, European/Nazi confiscations.

The broadcast version also had snippets of an interview with Louiville Police Chief Erika Shields who said (paraphrasing as it was only in the broadcast) they cannot call themselves pro-LEO if they keep essentially flipping us the bird when we try to do our jobs