The Guardian of Gun Control Speks out.....

El Jefe

New member
My wife and I sent our Senators and Congressman a fax and a follow up e-mail concerning the Juvenile Justice bill, Dianne Feinstien was the first to respond, All I can say is that it is time for a new California Senator.....Here is a copy of my FAX and my wifes was a modified version of the same thing....

Dear Senator Feinstein 09 September 99
THIS IS NOT AN HCI LETTER Please read on.....

Juvenile Justice Conference Committee

While you were on summer recess, it happened again. Another mass shooting, this time at a Jewish
Community Center in Los Angeles. Fortunately no one was killed at the Center,
but that was just plain luck.
The self-proclaimed "white supremacist" responsible for this hate-motivated act of violence clearly intended to commit murder when he entered the lobby of the Center carrying an Uzi and opened fire, seriously wounding an elderly receptionist, a teenage counselor and three small children. Then, after fleeing the scene of his rampage, the same madman shot and killed a postal worker simply because his skin wasn't white.
Los Angeles is the fourth mass shooting that has taken place in the four months since the April massacre at Columbine High School, where 15 people lost their
lives, and since Congress promised to pass legislation to help end such senseless carnage. The other rampages resulted in four woundings in Conyers, Georgia, two deaths in Chicago and nine deaths in Atlanta. All three of these incidents occurred before you left on vacation. When is it going to end? When is Congress going to find the courage to stand up to HCI and tell them that enough is enough. One more Useless gun law would not have made the difference in any of these cases. I ask that you do the sensible thing and stop trying to push useless feel good legislation. Instead Join the NRA, follow their lead and pass the kind of laws that will keep guns out of the hands of deranged
men like Benjamin Smith,Buford Furrow and Mark Barton, and disturbed
children like Columbine students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. At a minimum Pass laws that will make it easier to enforce the 20,000 laws currently on the books and make it easier to get a conviction on deranged individuals such as these. It is time to put the blame where the blame lies. The Law abiding citizen IS NOT TO BLAME and therefore should not be made to suffer! I urge you to take a stand right now and insist that the Juvenile justice Committee REJECT the senseless gun control measures passed by the Senate in the juvenile justice legislation. And I want you to understand that what you do, or don't do, in the critical weeks ahead will determine what I, my family and friends do on election day, 2000. A pro-gun stance will result in a pro-gun vote in November!

Sincerely, Mrs El Jefe :)

Here is her response to my Wife's FAX ( A Pro Gun woman standing up for her rights..A liberals nightmare!)

Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition to gun control. I appreciate hearing your views on this matter, however it seems this is an issue upon which we must agree to disagree. Since I arrived in the Senate in 1992, I have been working
to limit the illegitimate use of powerful firearms in this country. I have long supported reasonable gun control laws.
Recently, there has been some increasing controversy about the Second Amendment and the enforcement of current gun control
laws. I would like to take this Opportunity to address both of these issues, in order to set the record straight. I have always taken seriously the guarantees of the Bill of
Rights, and I realize that opponents of gun control believe that the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees a broad, individual right to keep and bear arms. However, there is nothing in the Second Amendment that prohibits prudent, common-sense regulation of firearms. The Supreme Court has never struck down a gun control law on Second Amendment grounds, and I
do not believe that it ever will. I do agree that we need to enforce existing laws and
prosecute criminals who have committed gun crimes. For instance, I am a strong supporter of Project Exile, a program pioneered in Richmond, Virginia that increases state and federal co-operation
in the prosecution of gun crimes. As you may know, the Project Exile program has proven successful in removing guns and
criminals off the streets, and is now expanding into California. Additionally, I have contacted the Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms (BATF), the agency charged with investigating background checks. According to the BATF, the
recent lack of some prosecutions is due in part to a lack of time and resources. The agency hopes to address this issue by hiring
160 new agents this year. Furthermore, I have personally written to Secretary of Treasury Rubin regarding this issue and it is my hope that steps will be taken to increase the number of agents working on these cases. At the same time, I feel there is much more to be done. The problem of gun violence in this country is a serious one,
particularly in relation to our children. The assault weapon attack on four children and an adult at a Jewish Community Center
in Los Angeles and the recent church shooting during a youth prayer meeting in Texas are but the latest of terrifying shooting rampages all across our country.
To that end, I am proposing a national system of licensing and registration to help stem the flow of gun violence in America. Under this proposal, firearms would be treated like cars: owners would be licensed and firearms would be registered. Minimum national standards will help to ensure that everyone who buys a gun in this country is qualified to own one. Licensing and registration - on a nationwide basis - would allow law enforcement to quickly and efficiently trace guns used in crimes to the perpetrators of that crime, without unduly affecting innocent gun owners.
I am also considering further restrictions on deadly assault weapons and high-capacity magazines for firearms. I have long
believed that semi-automatic assault weapons do not belong on our streets. These assault weapons and high-capacity clips are not
needed by legitimate sportsman and hunters. Rather, they are weapons of war designed solely to permit the maximum number of
persons to be killed in the least possible time.
I know you feel strongly about this, and it appears that we will continue to be in disagreement on this issue. However, I do
thank you for writing and I will be sure to keep your views in mind as the gun control debate continues.
If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.

With warmest personal regards. Dianne Feinstein

This woman needs to go...California wake up and get to the Voting booth We have but one vote in this house ( I vote absentee in Florida) So she is already down by one!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited November 11, 1999).]
Remember that you don't have to agree to disagree--get enough friends together and you can fire her worthless ass.

If you told your secretary to get your boss on the phone and she said she wouldn't do that and you had to "agree to disagree" with her, what would be your response?


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
It's amazing how one person can cause so much misery for countless thousands of law abiding gun owners. Just because 'she' sees no use for so called "assualt weapons" the rest of us may look forward to further restrictions on our freedoms. So what's wrong with owning a piece of military history? I take great pride in my firearms but some politicans do not seem to care about individual rights as long as they can advance their own political agenda.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I have always taken seriously the guarantees of the Bill of Rights...[/quote]

Yeah...Uh huh...right...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Licensing and registration - on a nationwide basis - would allow law enforcement to quickly and efficiently trace guns used in crimes to the perpetrators of that crime, without unduly affecting innocent gun owners.[/quote]

Registration always leads to confiscation.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I am also considering further restrictions on deadly assault weapons and high-capacity magazines for firearms. I have long believed that semi-automatic assault weapons do not belong on our streets. These assault weapons and high-capacity clips are not needed by legitimate sportsman and hunters. Rather, they are weapons of war designed solely to permit the maximum number of persons to be killed in the least possible time.[/quote]

Weapons were designed to wound and kill. Restrict their effectiveness and you increase the chances of those who would defend themselves to become the ones zipped up in the body bag when the police come to clean up the mess.

Oh, that's right. Criminals would obey such a restriction.

In order to overcome our enemies we create weapons of equal or greater force to use against them, so that we may have an edge in combat.

What she fails to grasp or persistantly chooses to ignore is that war takes place on a daily basis between two people, in which one that has no respect for the rights of the other, and the other who would stop the one from perpetrating a mortal or grevious infringment, battle for victory.

The one who would defend his rights is handicapped because of the "laws" introduced by people such as Feinstein, the other has no such handicap because of his already blatant disregard for the "law". Therefore the perpetrator has all the edge he needs because of his accomplice who enacted the "laws" in his favor.

All gun laws are weighted on the side of the of the criminally minded.

Feinstein and her ilk are the enemy, even if they are ignorant of these "unintended consequences" that they bring about.

Such treasonous words in her response to you deserve an appropriate reward.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
I appreciate her "efforts" to increase the safety of her state, but I see it this way.
If someone attempts to kill you, don't you want to have the most power friggin' weapon you can get your hands on to blow his ass away? All that cahnges with these "band-aid" laws is that in the same situation, you will just have a less powerful weapon, but your attacker will be armed in exactly the same way he was in the first situation. All these gun control laws do is limit the ability of the law-abiding citizen to protect himself.
I like how she always tries and apply the hunting test to arms. She needs to wake up and find out what the purpose of the 2nd is for. It is to give the people a last means of defense against the government in case it should ever turn to tyranny. It is those assault rifles which are the very ones protected by the 2nd. It is this very same government who is trying to take the means for us to defend ourselves from them away.

Her's and others in government's fears are what is going to cause those fears to come true. She is to blind to see that. If left alone the american gun owner will continue as they have. By trying to disarm them, they are only creating their own worst nightmare.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I do not believe she truly understands WHY she is IN Washington D.C.! She is there to do her states bidding. I think she and sister Sarah (Brady) Believe they really know what is best for this State and the country, REGARDLESS of what we really want. I have read the propaganda on HCI's website and Ms Feinstein's response reads like a page out of Sarah's Handbook. I wonder how much HCI contributes to HER campaign, Is that broken down somewhere??
I know that letter from my Wife must have really gotten under her skin, because she is not the scared helpless victimized woman that needs to be protected from the Evil pro-gun forces, She cannot include her so she treats her as the exception rather than the rule..Sorry about the rant...God Bless, El Jefe
El Jefe, I'm about 99% certain the quote at the end of your post is fake:

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

For one, it's phrasing is very modern- it sounds like a bumper sticker, not something a man 200+ years ago would say. Two, it's an extremely convient and relavent message. A bit too convenient. Three, it is has no references whatsoever, and I'll bet there is no real source material. Unless you find reliable references for the quote, I suggest your drop it in favor of some (like some of Patrick Henry's) that are trustworthy. No offense, please.
BTR...What you say may very well be true, I copied it directly from the "Notable Quotables" section of the Gun owners of California Homepage I would hope that they have done their home work prior to posting it to their site. If you can verify it as false I'll be happy to remove it and submit it to them as well :) I am far from above admitting I am wrong, No offense or personal affront taken,
God bless El Jefe

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited November 11, 1999).]
I Stand Corrected :) Quote removed and replaced! An e-mail is on it's way to the GOC.

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.
---James Madison,The Federalist Papers, No. 46

... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
And this generation is more than capable of pissing away it's freedom. The Freedom many of our fathers died for in our countries' wars is very nearly gone already. I would like to restate that an armed man is a citizen and an unarmed man is a subject.
Question: What are we when D.C. finaly outlaws our firearms?
Grumble, grumble...

I have numerous copies of the same letter from Fienstien...she is so out of touch with reality..its amazing. But then, she is a politician, which these days dictates that her opinions need no basis in reality.