The Grey (movie)


New member
Anyone see this? Just rented it last night and thought it was good. We have wolves on our leased land so kind of related to it a bit.... :)
Ok, one of the stupidest movies I have seen in a long time. They leave the airplane crash without making any kind of weapons out of the steel and head for a line of trees a mile away without them. When they get there, instead of making spears out of tree limbs or wood laying around and get into a circle when the wolves approach, they get picked off one at a time...Liam is supposed to be a hunter of some kind and the leader but sure did some stupid moves. Oh well, they left room for a sequel to come later....
Oh yeah, they use up their shotgun rounds they made up on 1 wolf..haha
Big thumbs down.

And what was the deal with the shotgun shells? He used a rifle, but they had shotshells:confused:

A hour and a half of my life I'll never get back:mad:

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He did have two gun cases when he got on the plane.

Besides, most movies arent based on any reality. Reality is boring, that's why they make movies.
My vote goes with the thumbs down crowd. Any film is allowed and almost expected to play a little loose with reality. But this movie was so far from it it made no sense.

I had hoped that the reason for no one bothering to try to fashion some sort of weapon was the movies message. Then I realized there wasn't one.

I just wanted someone, anyone to please make a spear, a club, climb a tree, just do something.
It's a basic "let's watch everyone die" sort of movie.

Change it from wolves to zombies or giant spiders or aliens and nobody cares.

But you put a gun, a hunter and some wolves in it with no hocus-pocus, it has to be realistic.

Just a slash and blood film, only with animals
I would have thought they'd have more chance of being spotted staying by the plane in the open. And you're right about the weapons. He threw away his rifle because it was broke. Was it just the stock broken? How could you damage it further then breaking the stock? And no cell phones?
I thought it was pretty awesome, mostly because Liam Neeson is a great actor! (Taken, Star Wars Ep. 1, ect.) loved the character dialogues and the vagueness of it all. Leaves a lot of questions to be answered in a sequel ;)
I guess it was ok, If you were'nt one of those who were turned into wolf crap on the side of the mountain.
I live here, spent time on the slope and have whacked a few wolves over the years. I refuse to watch anything I know I'm going to be able to pick apart starting with the opening credits.
I've also wondered why a sequel is mentioned. I don't see any loose ends to tie up.

In the end, it doesn't really matter if he lives or dies. It's summed up in his father's poem.

There is no more story to tell
Spoiler: If you wait until after all the credits you'll get to see a few second clip of post fight. Not much but it makes a sequel pretty impossible.
I ruin most movies I watch that end up in the woods, because I dont enter the woods without my 12 gauge. Now can a pack of wolves get past 6 rounds of #4buck? Yes, but then I have a club. Add my bowie and my duct tape.. Spear. They may get me. But I will go down fighting.
I thought it was a decent movie. Saw it in theaters when it came out.

Liam Neeson is a great actor, but the movie plot was not very well put together.
In the beginning when he tries to commit suicide its just pretty sad for a good hunter to come to that, but he had his reasons.

The plane crash was realistic IMO. it would be hard to salvage anything including weapons and everything would be broken and all over the place. Hard to believe they didn't even have pistols though.

I guess this movie was really the worst case scenario for the particular setting. Its believable enough for me. I'd probably be dead or die just as bad in that situation of extreme weather and elements.

Someone mentioned not having celphones. In that remote location and extreme weather celphones wont work anyway. that is a moot point
Ive been watching this thread for a while now and I must say half of you must not have watched the movie or at least didnt pay attention.

They leave the airplane crash without making any kind of weapons out of the steel and head for a line of trees a mile away without them. When they get there, instead of making spears out of tree limbs or wood laying around and get into a circle when the wolves approach, they get picked off one at a time...Liam is supposed to be a hunter of some kind and the leader but sure did some stupid moves

Would you want to make steel weapons if your hands where already freezing? Liam said he was going to go to the trees to try and show the wolves he was leaving, which if they were in the "30 mile" kill zone was a good idea. They did make weapons and they did try to fight them off, but only 1 came into camp. No one really said he was the leader everyone just followed him.

And what was the deal with the shotgun shells? He used a rifle, but they had shotshells

He had two guns in the movie it just never showed him using a shotgun.

I had hoped that the reason for no one bothering to try to fashion some sort of weapon was the movies message. Then I realized there wasn't one.I just wanted someone, anyone to please make a spear, a club, climb a tree, just do something.

They did make weapons, improvied "bang sticks", and a club they just didnt keep them.

He threw away his rifle because it was broke. Was it just the stock broken? How could you damage it further then breaking the stock? And no cell phones?

You are right one one thing. He sure as heck coulda shot the rifle with a broken stock. As for the cell phone there was one, one of the guys was trying to call out on it right before the first guy died. Even if you could get out on it what are you gona tell the people you call? "We crashed but I dont really know where we are."?

As far as a sequal goes it could be possible. The end of the credit clip (which im sure only one of you actually watched) doesnt suggest either Liam or the wolf dies.

As far as the plot yes it coulda been better but I thought they did alright. Wasnt as bad as most movies I've seen.