The Green Commandos


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The green commandos


In March, 40 officers divided into 10 four-man teams swooped in with helicopters in a pre-dawn raid to seize six suspects in Dorchester County, Md.
The principal suspect, Robert Gootee, was hauled from his bed and led away in chains. His wife was not allowed to call anyone, nor were her neighbors allowed to come in to comfort her, for four and a half hours.

What was the offense that precipitated this action? Was the four-year investigation that led to the armed raid concerned with terrorism, serial homicide or a major drug ring? What type of criminal offenses were involved? Who were these brave law-enforcement agents who defied death to make the arrests?

You had better sit down.

Gootee was charged with possession of an undersized striped bass, striped bass out of season, untagged striped bass, possession of summer flounder out of season, failure to tag and check deer within 24 hours and possession of a loaded weapon in a vehicle. The agents involved were from the state and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. And the target for the raid was the Golden Hills Hunt Club.

Gootee, the club treasurer, was hauled away with such "evidence" as deer and duck mounts and a framed photograph of his retriever bringing in a duck.

Eventually, 24 other club members were charged with related offenses, including failure to wear sufficient fluorescent orange while hunting.

We're in serious trouble, folks.

Even as more Americans wake up to the reality of the dangers posed by the gun-toting federales who brought us Waco, a new breed of armed-and-dangerous green commandos is turning our forests into police states.

Check out a report in this month's issue of usually low-key Field & Stream Magazine: "Looking for firepower, firefights and other fun stuff? Forget the SEALs; Fish and Game is the place to be."

"Wardens may be watching too many cop shows. How else can one explain why increasing numbers of them seem to reject their workday reality and the routine of dealing with essentially law-abiding people in favor of a world in which the everyday sportsman is an ex-army commando ready for a shoot-out or a high-speed car chase?"

The story continues: "Recruits to wildlife law enforcement now spend more time learning how to break down the doors of alleged poachers than how to differentiate the various species of sunfishes. The April 1999 issue of Wildlife in North Carolina describes the boot camp that would-be officers go through in that state: 'Relentless physical exercise, material training and plenty of barracks inspections are the norm for the first two weeks of wildlife recruit school ... this includes 40 hours of firearms training as well as many hours mastering defensive tactics to disarm suspects.'"

The piece goes on to explain that the rationale used by many agencies for such official militancy is a claim that game wardens are "seven times more likely to be killed during an assault on the job than any other type of law officer." Trouble with that statistic is that there is no basis for it in fact.

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in 1997, 65 law enforcement officers of all kinds nationwide were killed in the line of duty. Not one was a warden. Whoops!

There seems to be an active effort by government to portray hunters and other sportsmen as dangerous hombres -- all potential killers. That was the picture painted by some involved in the planning of the Maryland raid.

Richard McIntire, spokesman for the state's Department of Natural Resources, explained: "We were dealing with people who are known to have weapons," he said, "and who are proficient in their use."

Yeah, so? America is a land free precisely because the people have historically been armed and self-trained in how to use firearms. The Constitution not only protects the rights of individual Americans to bear arms, it actually suggests -- and, I believe, accurately -- that it is akin to a sacred duty for citizens to be armed and vigilant.

Of course, the picture of the woods as territory occupied by armed anti-government militiamen and dangerous scofflaws doesn't hurt one bit when it comes time to convince legislators that the green cops need more money for training, weapons and manpower. (Remember, the initial assault on Waco was a public relations dog-and-pony show designed to persuade Congress the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms needed more funds.)

It's not surprising, then, that after the raid in Maryland some American flags in Dorchester County were flying upside down. Not surprising and not unwarranted.

Emphasis mine.

"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited September 08, 1999).]
Nope... Write Joseph yourself... :)

"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited September 10, 1999).]
"We were dealing with people who are known to have weapons," he said, "and who are proficient in their use."

Now just a minute.... Perhaps the Gestapo would rather have sportsmen who were NOT proficient in their use? Now wouldn't THAT make hunting SO MUCH SAFER!

I'm STILL laughing at the absurdity of that excuse!

Bottom line: Jackbooted thugs are jackbooted thugs. Nazi, American, it makes no difference. If ever there was a perfect example of UNJUSTIFIED EXCESSIVE USE OF FORCE, I can't think of it. A major lawsuit needs to be filed.

So now it's not just those "heavily armed wild-eyed drug dealers", it's also those "heavily armed wild-eyed sportsmen". Oh baby, it just keeps gettin' better and better!