The Future of RKBA

Ed Brunner

New member
I had an interesting conversation recently with an old friend. Many years ago he did things that never happened in places he never was. I always enjoy his observations on things in general.
On RKBA he said that We are too passive. We are unwilling to fight dirty and we will lose. He says that many trial balloons have been launched and we have stood and saluted as our rights have methodically been taken from us. I asked him what he thought we should do. He said that free men and women must draw a line around what we hold dear and not allow that line to be crossed. And we must be prepared to fight for what we believe in.
Most of the members of TFL already know this, but we have to recruit more true believers. If our problems can be solved through political action it has to be done now. NOW!!!! We have already waited too long.

Better days to be,

Amen to that!!!!!If anyone does'nt realize it by now they are blind.As one who has seen the fire,I know that they must get rid of us folks(experienced Patriots)first. The time is near!!!!!
Ed, you are exactly right. And, ironically, I am beginning to have some optimism.

First, the anti-self defense movement has been moving so far, so fast, that many Americans are beginning to wake up to what is really going on. Not enough yet, but the 'giant' is stirring. And, I think it has become obvious to all but the complete fools that the anti-self defense movement has moved on to demanding the surrender of arms.

The UN's policies and initiatives re: small arms, and the clear involvement of 'pacifists' is also beginning to make people wonder what exactly is happening. Not to mention the UN's criminal handling of encouraging the disarmament of civilians, the herding of those civilians into 'safe areas', and then the cowardly retreat to leave the civilians at the bloody hands of criminals - see Bosnia.

We have strong, intelligent assistance that is growing each month. People like Kleck, Lott, and Halbrook are being joined (to one degree or another) by Judge Sam Cummings (Emerson), Dr. Laura Schlesinger, and even Lawrence Tribe (to a degree ...). People are beginning to think.

And, we are starting to see the rise of civil disobedience - IMHO, this is very significant. I don't think most American gun owners are going to join hands and sing 'we shall overcome'. But, we will soon be seeing Californians going to jail for their belief in the RKBA. While some may sniff that this kind of act is foolish and ineffective, I see it as the political equivalent of the 'integrated marketing plan' in business.

Each of these components (and probably a few more I haven't mentioned) will combine to begin making average people stop and think. If we can get enough of them to think, then I believe we have a chance. TFL is having an impact here.

So, I agree with your thoughts that we must become more active. I'm pretty new to this, so I can't criticize or comment on all of the noble efforts in years gone by. But, I do believe we are past the point of justifying the RKBA by saying we need to target shoot and hunt ducks. I believe most RKBA supporters tend to let our opponents know that the Constitution and self defense facts ought to be sufficient to end this absurd debate.

This will be interesting, eh?

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited November 30, 1999).]
I agree. With the recent and very public tradgeties, more and more average citizens are turning away from the party line and thinking more about defending themselves. Just hang around your local gunshop for a while. Before long some first time buyer will come in and then check the expression on their face as they sign their privacy away in order to get permission to purchase a firearm. Its a real wake-up call and many don't like it one bit.
The spark is there. All we need to do is feed it and once again the torch of freedom will burn bright.