The Future of Pistol Training


New member
Just taking a little "unofficial" poll here, Colorado is working on a Constitutional Carry law. If it passes, it eliminates the need for residents to get a CCW license, and therefore the requirement to go to a Basic Pistol class. I am just about to go throught the NRA Basic Pistol Instructors" class to get my certification to teach and sign people off for their CCW training requirements. Just wondering what you folks think about the future of training in the basics?
Personally, I believe that there may be a slight initial drop in demand, but many that are serious about CCW will still want to get a permit so they can carry in other states. I also think that several of the newly interested pistol packers will develope more interest and seek training. Some will decide the whole process of carrying is to much hasle and give up on it alltogether, but overall I think the future of the civilian training world is good. What do ya think? :confused:
I expect anyone serious about shooting and defense will still take the classes. Going to constitutional carry will just enable more people to carry, mostly those who don't because they're not interested in the classes.

It seems to me, that more and more people are interested in training, thanks to things just being generally more available in todays world. More and more positive coverage is showing the fun side of shooting, and how much you can better yourself, beyond safety concerns, by taking classes.
I would agree that there might seem to be a drop in classes vs new pistol owners due to a slight inflation of owners. Some people will have the "tough guy" attitude and think they're above any class but real enthusiasts who enjoy shooting and want to improve overall shooting would still attend the classes.
What's wrong with going to the instructor class to benefit you.

You're bound to learn something. No matter how many training classes you've attended, you are more then likely going to learn something in your next class.

I certainly wouldn't let the fact that a Constitutional Carry law keep me from going. As others said there will still be people wanting to take the class, if Colorado is like Wyoming, the constitutional carry law wont do away with permits. We will still have them for people wishing to carry in states that recognize Wyoming's permits.

My friends in Arizona tell me that after the Constitutional carry law passed there, two things happened:

1) They had more people signing up for classes, and

2) The students they got were more motivated during the class.

That's just from one school in AZ, so I don't know if it's widespread or not. It certainly fits my prejudices: I believe strongly that personal responsibility is a huge motivator and drives people to take things more seriously, and that when people are coerced or compelled to get training they will be less motivated to listen and learn. I could be wrong, but here in WA state (where no training is required for the permit) we've certainly never lacked for motivated students.

Not knocking teaching the basic pistol course (I teach it in Ohio), but it doesn't make someone a gunslinger. It mearly gives them basic knowledge of safe gun handling which is important. I'm not knocking the law ( I feel every state should be this way). Personally, the folks that are serious about carrying a handgun will seek the proper training necessary as they see fit. Those that don't will learn the hard way that they should have. When I teach my basic course, I always encourage them to seek more training. I always get the same answer, "What for? I'll have my permit, that's all I need." Then I have them run through some timed drills. Suddenly, I know what I'm talking about to these people that know everything. If your law changes, that's great for your state (sucks for you wanting to make some cash). If if doesn't and you start teaching, encourage your students to get more training. Demonstrate why they should. Be able to practice what you preach because they will expect you to be an expert. Just some friendly advice.
In states where classes aren't mandatory the people in those classes want to be there. The people who dont want to be there, arent there.
TX passed a law a couple of years back allowing concealed carry in a vehicle without a permit. Initial speculation was that it would cut down on the number of CHL permits issued since many people got their CHL's so they could legally carry in their vehicles.

For whatever reason(s), the speculation has not proved true.

I tend to think that if you make it easier to carry pistols that more people will carry pistols. Overall, I think that more people carrying pistols will be a good thing for those in the pistol training business.
I do know some folks who don't train as they think their personal experience, on the square range or on their ranch, land, etc. is sufficient.

However, here's a point. I'm trying to advocate the campus carry bills. We have folks who are dead set against it. However, there is a subset of folks who are not gun unfriendly - even if not gun people. They have told me that they don't have a problem with people who are competent shooters as determined by a formalism. They do fear the untrained hitting an innocent in a critical incident.

I've heard my first set of folks in the opening paragraph argue that the mandatory TX test indicates training and marksmanship ability. That is, ahem, debatable as the shooting test is trivial. There is discussion of the law.

Thus, if folks do train to a reasonable standard - then that would be the second set of folks who consider the issue more likely to support campus carry.

Of course, this argument can be made to all concealed carry but I'm commenting on a current local TX issue.
Thanks for all the great responses. Just to clarify a few points, I dont at all regret signing up for the Basic Pistol Instructor class regardless of if the Constitutional Carry law passes or not. I do believe that all training is good and any of us can learn something from it. I have no illusion that I'm going to make bank by teaching basic pistol classes. Its just something I would like to do to help people become safe and responsible gun owners. In my retirement years it will give me something to get me out of the house, and hey, if you can make a few bucks to pay for your shooting habit, make a positive impact on the shooting sports and defensive firearms use, and make a lot of new like minded friends, what more could you ask for? I do hope to become a good enough instructor to go on to teaching more advanced classes, but I have to start somewhere. I dont have a long impressive history as a "warrior" and I can't regale students with tales of daring do and saving a partners life with an amazing double tap to an armed dirtbag. My hats off to the folks that are the "real deal" and can use their experiences to get their point across, but I will never try to pass myself off as an operator. I'm just an armed citizen trying to do the right thing and pass what I do know on to those who need it. I believe that there is a need for that, with a lot of former"cake eaters" coming to the realization that they had better learn to be responsible for the safety of themselves and their families. Some new people may be a bit overwhelmed by the stories from combat hardened guys who may have forgotten what its like to really wonder if you can actually pull the trigger with a human being in your sights, and we all have to work that out in our own minds first and foremost. Thanks again for you input. :)
NRA Instructor

Do become a NRA Instructor. You can teach the 10 hour Basic Pistol or even the 3 hour First Steps Pistol courses.

Do know that these are firearm (pistol) familiarization courses, not really self defense... more marksmanship, firearm and ammo identification, marksmanship skills, etc.

As for tailoring the classes you can do something more "exotic" and focused on self defense. The problem is you'll need to find a range so you can do the range hands on.

If you want to learn more... I would be more than happy to talk to you on how I have reached out and put on actions shoots here near Seattle, Washington.

Check out my website and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Young Kim at
:eek:I sure hope that the training does not decline. Scardie cats like me need those classes. I'm wondering what the cost of such classes are as I am on a limited income :( I really, really, really need classes because even just being in this forum kinda scares me. taking donations for all the firearms classes I can take. :D