I'm prepared to be shut down by the mods, but... it does seem to me that the media reaction to the shooting and the following riots/peaceful protests is turning towards a focus on the militarization of the police. Does anyone think that this could lead to different public approach to gun control?
Personally I've been scoffed at by friends who support gun control for suggesting that armed citizens can serve as a means of controlling government abuse. However it seems like we're entering a climate where more people would be willing to ask why the police should be better armed than the rest of us. Why should the capacity of a magazine that I can own be smaller than the capacity of the local police?
Personally I've been scoffed at by friends who support gun control for suggesting that armed citizens can serve as a means of controlling government abuse. However it seems like we're entering a climate where more people would be willing to ask why the police should be better armed than the rest of us. Why should the capacity of a magazine that I can own be smaller than the capacity of the local police?