The fate of the alpha female


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
The fate of the alpha female

By Joe Schembrie
web posted November 29, 1999

Recent revelations by biographer Gail Sheehy, alleging that Hillary
Clinton ordered the bombing of Serbia, should not be surprising to
veteran Clinton watchers. We've known since HillaryCare that Hillary
is the dynamo for militant liberalism within the Clinton duo. And while
Bill Clinton's perversion is well-known to one and all, Hillary is always
at the heart of all the non-sexual ethical revelations: Whitewater, Cattle
Futures, Vince Foster.

Hillary is the Alpha Female of an
amazonian troika that comprises the
terrorist face of the Clinton regime.
The other two members of that troika
are, of course, Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright and Attorney
General Janet Reno. Albright bombed
a civilized, democratic, peaceful
nation down to Pre-Cambrian strata, killing thousands of innocent
Serbs while ranting slander about an 'ethnic cleansing' whose mass
graves never were. Reno rolled tanks against law-abiding Americans
possessing a few rifles -- while declining to investigate illegal campaign
contributions that possessed an outlaw foreign government of nuclear

A feminist once blurted to me, out of the blue: "How come when a
male leader acts aggressive, everyone admires him for being strong
and decisive, but when a female leader acts aggressive, everyone just
calls her a bitch?" I refrained from saying, "Because she is one."
Surely, if there is any sexual bias involved in the national appraisal of
Albright and Reno, the feminists are the ones afflicted. It's undeniable
that the Secretary of State and the Attorney General, more so than all
their male predecessors, have the blood of innocents on their hands. If
sexual bias has anything to do with their careers, it's been to help
them: they've gotten away with this bloodlust because the broad mass
of the populace experiences cognitive dissonance when it comes to
associating females with murderous violence.

Despite years of feminist propaganda -- or perhaps because of it --
we are culturally conditioned to think of women as supremely
nurturing. Even negative-connotation terms like 'bitch,' 'shrew,' and
'feminazi' seem mirthfully saccharine when the killing fields of Serbia,
Waco, and the neighborhood abortion clinic are brought to mind.
Older generations had the epithet 'Jezebel,' but biblical allusions are
inaccessible to the masses today. And so Hurricane Hillary caught us
psychologically unprepared.

We just don't understand Hillary. That's why we're in denial over her
dark side.

Nah, we say. That can't be the way it really is. Bill must be in control
somewhere. And of course, he is -- when it comes to sex. It's become
part of their game. As long as she plays victim in the bedroom, she
can embody Stalin in politics, and so far only a minority of the public
has caught on.

Undoubtedly, his sexual liberation rankles Hillary's compulsion for
control, but she's been stuck with Bill because he's the Political Happy
Face masking her Will to Power. The same hormonally-unbalanced
female voting bloc that swoons for Bill is cool toward Hillary. Hillary's
criticism-deflecting pose of Innocent Little Victim strikes the voters as
inappropriate for a leader. Yet to abandon that pose would make her
fair target for ethics charges. There's no happy-medium cure for
Hillary's anti-charisma, and so even New York isn't liberal enough to
elect her.

With Bill's political shelf life expiring, both are experiencing
restlessness in their relationship. Bill recently rebelled against Hillary's
feminist agenda by signing legislation banning UN abortion funding.
He'll soon be slouching toward a shadowy political afterlife,
predictably cut short by cocaine overdose, sexual disease, and/or a
lover whose jealousy outlasts the handgun waiting period. Yet Hillary
may actually still consider Bill a political asset under such
circumstances. She gains media points from standing by her man --
even when she doesn't speak to him for months at a time.

Hillary can't be King, but she can carry on as Kingmaker. Her
braindead Senate campaign bequeaths her twenty million dollars, half
again as big as the Reform Party's much-contentioned war chest.
Campaign spending laws allow her to ladle it out in $5000 increments
to individual candidates, or in megabuck chunks to the Democratic
Party. Likely the money will be seed for one or more 'non-profit'
Foundations, whose primary purpose will be to launder federal
subsidies into Democratic campaign contributions, and provide the
lifestyle-enhancing kickbacks that have always characterized her
quasi-legal career.

But with her lesser-half spouse Constitutionally banished to Bimbo
Limbo, Hillary can never again play political Godzilla stomping above
federal corridors, gorging on hapless bureaucrats and politicians in
frenzied powerlust. The Alpha Female glory days of gassing Texan
churchgoers and strafing Serbian refugees are setting. Shriveled back
to mere private citizens, Hillary and her harpies henceforth will only be
strong enough -- and courageous enough -- to bully fetuses.

God help those truly innocent little victims.

Joe Schembrie is a regular contributor to Enter Stage Right[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Anybody who has studied nature knows that among the lower life forms that the female is often the dominant and more agressive of the species. I really can't think of a lower life form than a politician. So this makes perfect sense.
Power corrupts, regardless of gender. This unfortunate reality is why the U.S. Constitution has a system of checks and balances. Yet, when Congress, the center of this system, is unwilling to halt the abuses of power by either the executive or judicial branches, then the result is the sorry state of affairs we witness now. One can reasonably ask: "If Congress won't do its part, then why bother even having a Constitution?" At the rate things are going, the Constitution is dead, and we are stuck with bad leaders and a government that only works for the rich and well-connected. The rest of us can go work at Wal-Mart and shut the **** up. Welcome to the new American Nightmare.

It only takes one bullet to change your life.
I think he missed a point. Reno and Albright are not Bill's lackeys. they are Hillary's.
Think about it.

Better days to be,

DC, I'm sorry I posted. I was going to tell you that you should move your own post to
The Hunt forum because our game biologist told us that we needed to remove as many alpha does from our herd as we could this year. Being simple minded as I am I just jumped on your topic! Hillary is very scary but she is not overpopulating the herd.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>A feminist once blurted to me, out of the blue: "How come when a male leader acts aggressive, everyone admires him for being strong and decisive, but when a female leader acts aggressive, everyone just calls her a bitch?"[/quote]

First off - Hillary aint the Commander & Chief. So when she is "Acting Agressive" she's doing so without the consent of the Nation.
Second - When Janet Reno acted agressively - she basically killed a group of Religious Seperatists and every other time innocent people have DIED.
Neither one of these "LEADERS" were Elected by the people. One was just the spouse, the other was an Appointee.
Bitch is the LEAST I could say.

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