The Exact Moment of Loss


New member
Have you ever wished you never loaned out your sidearm?

I was camping last weekend with my wife and brought along some plinkers for sand pit fun. A Bersa T380, Norinco Chinese SKS, Jennings J-22, Bryco M38 in .32acp, Jimenez JA-380 and JA-22.


My wife was interested in trying a more powerful gun than a .22, so first she shot the .32 and declared that this was now her gun. Ok. No great loss, I thought.


But then she pocketed the Bryco and tried the Bersa.

The exact moment of loss. Silence, please.


But I have to say she's a good shot! And if the wife wants a CCW that has some punch and excellent reliability, I have to concede. My moment of loss, could be her moment of gain.

turn the negative into a positive

it may be a gain for your wife, but all that means is you can go buy
more guns, with the excuse that she raided your locker and you
have to bring it back up to full strength

so how could she be mad at you for getting some new guns?

(but watch out! you know now that anything that is really
nice could be "up for grabs" at any time)
load them with bad ammo so it jams or something so she wont like it.

but at least you know she can use it if she has to.
Look at it the way I do,

I didn't want my girlfriend to have a Taser, because she'd be more tempted to use it on me. I know she won't shoot me, I'm not certain she'd not Taser me.
I've got the reverse situation. I'm plotting how to steel my wife's Bersa .380cc

That's it! I'll get her to buy a Bersa CC!

I know she won't shoot me,

Oooh.... That's what I always thought, too. I'm so glad that my wife quit drinking, though, since it diminishes my likelihood of being filled with holes.

Now, if she had had a gun five years ago.... well, we wouldn't be talking now!
I didn't want my girlfriend to have a Taser, because she'd be more tempted to use it on me. I know she won't shoot me, I'm not certain she'd not Taser me.

Excellent point

I'm pretty sure my GF would have no problem tazing me... Heck I might get up the nerve to give her a little buzz myself. Just kidding, kind of :D
I'd love to have a snubbie, actually. Maybe a S&W 642.

I left the other revolvers at home - Ruger Bearcat, and Dan Wesson Model 15. I really don't want to lose those too!
be careful. you may have started something dangerous. since my wife began taking possesion of my firearms, she has not stopped. what started with a sig p239 has turned into a springfield xd sub compact, a ruger mkII target pistol, a sporterized trapdoor springfield, an ar, a m1 carbine, and a sporterized krag. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

(and as to "restocking" your own collection, not a chance)

My Grandfather gave me his 1963 .222 Sako Vixen. I let my GF use it at the range while I shot my new rifle.
She can now be heard mentioning "my vixen" when referring to my .222 :(
Definitely look at the bright side. They are Bryco/Jennings/Jimenez (All the same manufacturer). Her taking any of them simply means you get to buy a better gun and you can tell her it's her fault. I assume none of these are used for self protection. Especially as a carry weapon. So it seems to me that you now have a great excuse to go buy some nice replacements. The stars are definitely shining on you.
Naww.....Mine is more respectful & independent...

If my DSW liked a particular handgun or longgun that I had, she'd simply go out and buy a new or used one, just like mine. No question.
She picks and she buys what she wants.
Sorry to be a contrarian, but I would not let anyone I cared about carry anything on your list. Not to mention which...I would not own any of them, so it would not be an issue.

Back when I first started riding motorcylces in the early 70s, Bell Helmets ran an ad:
"If you have a $10 head, wear a $10 helmet." I bought my first Bell Helmet not long thereafter, and learned a valuable lesson:
You get what you pay for.
And the corallaries thereto:
Once in a while, you get less than you pay for.
Once in a very, very great while, you get more than you pay for.

After testing Bell products (as well as Arai and Shoei), I am convinced. I pursue the same level of quality in firearms, or any item upon which my life may rest. You may search my other posts if interested.

It is your choice, your life and the life of your loved ones. I only have one life, and as I grow older, I value it more every day.
Sorry to be a contrarian, but I would not let anyone I cared about carry anything on your list. Not to mention which...I would not own any of them, so it would not be an issue.

The Bersa and the SKS are OK guns. The rest, not so much.
Have kind of the same story but a different ending.Bought my wife a cz-82 in almost new shape to carry.After having shot it she decided she likes her glock 19 better,so now i carry it in a iwb when we go out lightly dressed.