The Evil Eddie Eagle In Cahoots w/ Joe Camel??

El Jefe

New member
I found this topic on Miss Demeanors new site (Worth a look! ;) ;))
Miss Demeanors RKBA page
It really trashes The Nra Foundation and the Entire Eddie Eagle Program, If you want to jump start your day read this.. Eddie Eagle; just Joe Camel with feathers.. I admittedly got a little out of joint after reading that crap and I sent the following e-mail, I will be interested to see what the response is!........

After reading your article on Eddie eagle I have come to the conclusion that the collective IQ's at the VPC range in the high 70's. The author of that article has mastered the art of Obfuscation and prevarication. His writing style can only be described as petulant, pedantic and pontificating! I cannot believe that you would allow that to be printed and attach your name to it! How can you expect that anyone would ever give credence to anything you say after reading that? Anyone who has ever been involved with or seen the Eddie Eagle Program knows that it teaches children to be hands off when finding a weapon. What part of "Stop! Don't Touch. Leave the Area. Tell an Adult" generates or perpetuates this myth that your author so vehemently believes in? Does the term "Yellow Journalism" Mean anything to you? This Article should serve as a wake up call to all that read it, You will lie cheat and steal to push your anti-gun agenda. Your obvious embellishments on the truth show that the VPC cannot be relied upon to look at anything objectively or with a discerning eye. Fact is that the Eddie Eagle Program is nothing like Joe Camel & Co. From the day it was launched it's focus has been on educating children on what to do when they come across a weapon. The NRA Foundation receives donations from many sources; one of those sources is the Combined Federal Campaign, where many hard working individuals such as myself can donate through payroll deduction. I have been in many countries all over this world, I have been sent in to do this nations bidding time and again, and each time I return home after being away from my family and friends I thank the Good Lord that I was privileged enough to be born in this country, one with a strong Constitution. One based on Godly principles. The Second Amendment is every bit a part of the Constitution as the first, so I suggest that you get onboard or at least wake up and Smell what you’re shoveling. Stop trying to pass a lie off as the truth and stop casting dispersions on Eddie Eagle, he is trying to save lives not lure children to their death. Your Joe camel Analogy will not wash among the learned. You people really need someone with an IQ over 120 to proofread your stuff before you dispense it to the general public!

Likewise I encourage my fellow TFLer's to drop the VPC a note! Oh yeah and check out Miss Demeanors Website while your at it :) :)

EL Jefe
Walk Softly and Carry a big Stick!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited November 28, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited November 28, 1999).]
VPC, The Violence Policy Center, seems properly named. Eddie Eagle is to guns what McGruff is to crime. If they speak out aginst a program aimed at educating kids about the dangers of unsafe firearm handeling, then are they not promoting unsafe actions? It seems as though they are laying out the Policy for Violence.
VPC goes beyond idiocy.

CCW for Ohio action site.
Do what you C.A.N.
This is the point that you miss about VPC and their darling Josh Sugarman:


That is the point of their demonization of Eddie Eagle. This has been going on for some time now. They claim that he is a purveyor of firearms to the next generation of gun buyers and not a mentor of safety to those who need the most protection.

VPC needs the bodies of dead children to claw over in their rabid assault on firearms and those who would deign to own them.


[This message has been edited by jimpeel (edited November 29, 1999).]
Both of you were right on the mark...Pardon the pun...The VPC is obviously run by Idiots and Cowards. They rant and rant and for what purpose?? They only bring discredit upon themselves by posting/printing ignorant crap like that!! I am sick of the Emotional rant that is heard time and again over logical rational fact. If they make themselves look like idiots, good for us, if too many people start buying into this then we have problems...Send them an e-mail via their own feedback forum, make it a scather, they need a wake up call!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe