The Energy Non-Crisis, Every American Must Watch

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Very Texas

If you want to understand the surging oil prices and our issues with Iran-This is a one hour video you have to devote to your country. This will make you fighting mad!
The Energy Non-Crisis - 75 min - Oct 24, 2007

Lindsey Williams talks about his first hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves larger than any on earth. And he talks about how the oil companies and U.S. government won't send it through the pipeline for U.S. citizens to use. --Terrorists' Activities: prior knowledge furnished to the FBI six months in advance of 9-11

The Non-Energy Crisi... 75 min
Instead of asking me to spend an hour watching a video just so I can get pissed off, can't you just summarize what this non-enery crisis is all about.
Yes-the speaker is Lyndsey Williams a Pastor who happened to sit in on meetings in the 70's with the Powers that control our Oil Supply in America and the world. This was in Alaska where the meetings took place and he was there when they struck oil and heard all the hooplah of how the next day our papers would be filled with headlines of a new America-free from outside oil producers. He was told and saw with his own eyes how we have over 200 years of oil in Alaska alone. But that "the powers that be" decided overnight to not release it to the public. He says if they did release the oil discovered, within one year gas would be less than $1.50 a gallon. BUT that America can't afford to do it because we have leveraged the country and allowed control of it by the The privately owned Federal Reserve Bank and the World Bank.

Basically he sat in on meetings then, where plans were devised to bankrupt America in 30 years-which is what is happening now. So the handful of crooks that control the world through oil, will continue to control the world along with our diminished lifestyle to a third world country. This is all part of the NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA.

He is speaking out because he says he has the knowledge to possibly halt their plans with telling the public what he knows. He also talks about the prices we pay at the gas pump as nothing more than a taxation to the people. Basically we are paying our National Debt at the pumps. Money WE did not spend but our government spent, money THEY forgave other countries. He names names and makes very alarming statements.

You will get very mad watching this, but I believe everyone should watch it and open there minds and eyes up to the fact that there are a few individuals who mean harm to American for their own personal gain and have a very evil plan to fulfill there plans. It all ties in to tyranny and the loss of basic rights in America today.

That is about all I can surmise for you. It is worth seeing. This man is God fearing man who loves his country and is sickened by what he witnessed. As you will be after watching. You can also check out www. and www. for news that is squashed by main stream media outlets like Fox News, ABC, NBC and CBS. There are real issues that these websites cover we should all be aware of.
All I needed to see was infowarsdotcom and alex jones.

This thread is closed. We don't do conspiracy theories on TFL.

:) Have a nice day. :)
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