The end of a British lifestyle ...

It's not about shooting ... yet; but it's damned close as the noose draws a notch tighter.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>The prime minister has promised shooting and fishing will not go the same way as fox hunting, which is set to be banned in the forthcoming session of Parliament. Writing in Monday's Daily Telegraph, Tony Blair gaves his broadest hint yet that MPs will be given a free vote on whether to ban hunting with hounds in the coming parliamentary year.

The vast majority of Labour MPs support a ban and a free vote would almost certainly ring the death knell for the controversial

Countryside campaigners are expected to lobby Labour's annual conference in Bournemouth at the end of this month in an attempt to change Mr Blair's mind.

Meanwhile, an alternative to an all-out ban on fox hunting will be unveiled on Monday at the Liberal Democrat conference in Harrogate.

The compromise plan suggests making some hunt practices illegal, such as digging out foxes with terriers. But it is thought Mr Blair is not keen on a compromise and is about to grant the anti-hunting lobby's wish.

He writes in the Telegraph: "Hunting with hounds remains very much a minority pastime, even in those areas of our countryside where it has a rich tradition."

Mr Blair says the hunting lobby, seeing the writing on the wall for hunting, had sought to muddy the waters by painting Labour as an "anti-countryside" party. He says there had been "imaginary threats to shooting and fishing".

Mr Blair says the hunting lobby has also terrorised rural voters with "scare stories" about ramblers trampling across their gardens and the countryside disappearing beneath millions of new homes.

He gives categorical assurances to anglers and shooters that their sports are safe in his hands. "There will be no ban on the
country pursuits of shooting and fishing ... as long as I am prime minister, I guarantee that this government will not allow any
ban. We will not do it."

In July he angered the countryside lobby when he pledged to ban fox hunting as soon as possible. He said he hoped to find time in
the coming Parliamentary session for a vote.

Paul Latham, a spokesman for the Countryside Alliance pressure group, responded angrily to Mr Blair's comments. He said: "Whether Mr Blair likes it or not, hunting has become the touchstone of concern about rural areas and the symbol of threat to rural communities. "It is all very well for Mr Blair to say shooting and fishing are safe in his hands, but if he proceeds with a ban on hunting it opens the way for animal rights groups to turn their effort towards a ban on shooting and fishing which has been their declared aim for years."

But anti-hunting Labour MP Angela Smith said the Alliance was trying to put fishermen and shooters in the "front line" as a tactic to thwart a hunting ban. "I can't see such legislation going through the House of Commons at all," she told BBC Radio
Four's Today programme. "I don't see any movement at all along the lines that the Countryside Alliance are alleging, I think it's scare tactics that they are trying to employ."[/quote]

And of course, as the man who disarmed the UK, I believe Tony Blair implicitly.

But banning hunting is a (relatively) new tack by the anti-gunners. The reasoning is obvious -- remove a huge reason for wanting a gun in the first place, and you reduce the number of guns. If they can't get you one way, they'll try another.

(Article from Sporting Shooters Association of Australia: )

My response to all the Anti-Groups....
"Thurrrbbbtttt" (Virtual Rhasberry)
*"In Aus. it's a sign of respect !"
*Borrowed that one from Hogans Heros ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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"We aren't going to hassle the hunters and fishers, we just want to ban this one little sport."

Bullspit. For some reason, camels' noses come to mind here...

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
* Sarcasm *
Can I suggest that next time England get's it's @ss in a sling, that America doesn't send them weapons?
Just tell 'em that the shooting of humans isn't recognised as a valid reason to own a Firearm !

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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It is a sad end to a once great nation and people. all i can say is God bless all those people from the British Isles who emigrated to America and and brought their ideas of individual freedoms with them and who were so instrumental in creating this great nation.Now we in America must struggle to win while in England the battle was lost so long ago.