The Dynamic Duo?

Huckabee would need someone to counter the perception that he is weak on Foreign Policy (which he is).

He needs someone young, with strong foreign policy credentials, and who will match up well against Barak Obama if he is Hillary Clinton's pick for veep.

Condoleezza Rice fits the bill. Rice would mop the floor with Obama in a debate.

Ron Paul wouldn't help Huckabee. Paul’s supporters would abandon him in droves for "selling out" if he joined the Huckabee ticket.
you don't think M.Huckabee could possibly give a "balance" to R.Paul and that they could compliment each other in terms of "walk softly but carry a big stick"? i am thinking that they could balance each other out. kind of like an "odd couple" i guess but what if....

just thinking out loud....kinda-sorta-anyway....
i believe that these two gentlemen are actually trying to do something good for us. just wanted to throw that in....hoping that it doesn't bite in the rear end later on down the road.
I think Huckabee's running mate should be someone who is highly respected in foreign policy circles. Someone like Colin Powell. Now that would be a great, if not dynamic, duo!
I don't think that combination has a remote chance of happening. Huckabee will probably not get the nomination; but he may be considered as a vice-presidential candidate? Paul will likely stick around for a while attracting maybe eight percent of the primary vote. If Paul does decide to run as an independent, it's likely that a gun opposing democrat will win office, IMO. He'll drain votes from the Republican nominee.
Someone like Colin Powell.

Best idea yet. Maybe instead of disregarding Powell like Bush did, Huckabee would actually listen to him. Anyway, that would be a very good ticket.
I really like the Powell idea. Huckabee/Powell would be impossible for the Democrats to relate as another Bush administration. Their strategy is going to be to pin Bush's lack of popularity on the next Republican candidate and then run against Bush. The alternative plan would be to run on the merits of the Democrats' track record of leadership in Congress or the liberal agenda. Neither of those two are attributes I think they want to highlight about them elves. And short self redeeming attributes the status quo tactics of slander and sophistry are all they have. Nice idea TBM!

I think Paul could find a place as Secretary of Health and Human Services. The role would fit well as his goal could be to work on eliminating the Federal Governments business in these areas. Should he succeed at that make him head of the BATFE!
OK with me if they reversed the ticket. President Powell & Huckabee VP.

Then they could hire Hillary to make cookies for the White House receptions...sorry...bad joke. I won't let that happen again.:rolleyes:
the Huckabee/Powell is good food for thought. Mr.Powell did show promise in diplomacy but might that combination be a bit too softspoken? and Mr.Powell may be a little gun shy concerning another forage into politics considering the storm he had to weather due to Bush/Cheney....must admit that Mr.Powell's exemplary military background is a definite plus....good food for thought.
General Powell once said "he did not have the fire in the belly for a Presidential run". Just another reason he is a smart guy.
If Paul does decide to run as an independent, it's likely that a gun opposing democrat will win office, IMO. He'll drain votes from the Republican nominee.

I don't think you would have to worry about that. Paul is attracting a lot of attention from Democrats as well as Republicans so he would take votes from them too. Many Democrats are so fed up with violations of privacy, the Patriot Act, Iraq and the general foreign policy of the Bush administration that they support Ron Paul, Republican or not. The failure of the Democrats to do anything useful in Congress has also helped Ron Paul gain support from the Democratic side.
It WOULD be funny for Democrats to LOSE because of the sophistry THEY created concerning privacy concerns. Talk about snared buy your own fabrication.

They sold the warrentless wiretapping of civilians bunk until I think THEY believe their OWN spin. It would also be hilarious if they were to actually WIN and Democrat PAUL supporters were to tirelessly make THEIR elections look invalid because of the 'selected not elected' line they sold so hard making elections look 'fixed'. THAT would be Karma for them eh.:p