the dreaded fanny pack


New member
Okay. I'm about to give in. Several days per week I go exercising and my options have been 1. don't take the gun, 2. leave the gun in the car or 3. figure out some way to make the gun disappear up my butt or some other orifice for the duration. I dislike #1...since I'm a LEO and our department _requires_ us to carry when practicable. Sure, I could say I was working out...but if I want to run errands in conjunction with a trip to the gym? Less defensible. I also dislike get broken into at an alarming rate, especially where I work out. And #3 is just plain painful. ;)

So...I'm pondering the fanny pack. I'm aware of the multiplicity of drawbacks. Believe me...I dislike the idea simply because I look like a dork in a fanny pack...tactical considerations don't even have to be raised. ;) the considered opinions of this fine assemblage of pistol-packers, who out there has the best fanny pack?


PS and please, something that won't make my butt look too big. ;)

PPS Seriously? the gun to be concealed is a Sig P232.

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein
Moving this to Gear and Accessories. Also, you might want to do a search on fanny pack there, there has been a lot of discussion on them.
Do you want to have the gun on you while you work out? How about use a gym bag? Leave it in the gym locker?

[Edit] this sounds sarcastic. It isn't. I'd say "while working out" isn't practicable.[/edit]

I prefer option #4: don't go to the gym.

[This message has been edited by Jeff, CA (edited April 27, 2000).]
My wife and I are walkers. We both have carry licenses and when the weather dictates light clothes, we use our Galco Waist Packs. They are pretty good for carry. The pistol is held firmly in an internal nylon holster with a velcro strap. If you need the pistol in a hurry you just pull a cord and the front opens up and gives you access to the gun. Pretty cool. A little practice and you can get the pistol out quickly. Ours are black. After reading the posts I wonder if we should have purchased some bright color. Sometimes I do catch someone looking at our packs. I know they're thinking "GUN".


Mendacity is the system we live in.
I carry in a fanny pack while at the gym. It's a "Rear Gear" insulated skiiing pack, not a gun bag. Works fine and lets me access the gun quickly if I need to.
arrrg! I'm a bad person! My thread has been locked! ;)

Thanks, Mal. :)

Jeff- I'm torn about whether or not to take the gun. If I DON'T take the gun, I'm very limited in what I can do and still abide by dept policy. If we are within our jurisdiction we are required to be armed unless it would be illegal to do so (drinking at a bar, in court for a personal matter, etc) or impractical (swimming, exercising, etc). As long as I'm working out, I'm fine. But the gym is kinda far from my place, and it would be WAAAAAAAAY more convenient to run several errands in conjunction with the trip. This would require having the gun, as long as I want to abide by rules and regs. Your other two suggestions I'll address very quickly: gym bag? Ehhh. Stolen often, and I have a habit of leaving things places if they are not attached to me. ;) Gym locker? Broken into more frequently than cars, I'm afraid. Option #4 I like best of all. ;) ;) ;) ;) But alas...

And yes, I will do a search here. thanks for the info.


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein
I would recommend a pack from Eagle Industries. Look under Holsters/Weapon Fanny Pack. Then click on the picture.

It's sturdy, reliable and well thought-out. I have one in Tan color and I don't have any trouble carrying a full size 1911 w/ 2 magazines.

Surprizingly, I don't have any trouble with anyone doing a "double take" when I wear it, either.
For the last two years I have used a "Belt Pistol Pack" by Bagmaster - First, it doesn't look like a traditional fanny pack. Often, I wear it in an "over the shoulder" carry. Works well for me. Really durable and well constructed.
Like you, I'm LE also. I carry a G27 in a hip pack....looks like a camera/radio bag to wear on your do need to practice your draw....alot.

Hint...use a cheap headset to make it look like a radio/tape holder. Run it though the ripe cord to aid you in the draw.

Take Care
Be Safe
"Hint...use a cheap headset to make it look like a radio/tape holder"

DAMN. Cops think alike. I already had that angle covered...I was gonna do exactly like you said. I would look odd carrying a fanny pack, maybe...but oh, look...he uses it for his walkman. That makes sense.



"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein
Tecolote recommended the folks at, and so do I. After reading that post, I pulled up the web site. Ordered the 'small' brown leather fanny pack, which arrived yesterday.

Absolutely spectacular.

Wonderful leather, good design, nice 'I don't scream gun very loud' style, secure holster mounting (very clever, too).

My holster box has an Eagle, a Galco nylon (not their $185 leather one, ouch), and a couple of extra-cheezy off-brands. I used to like the Eagle longer.

Thanks, Tecolote!


[This message has been edited by wakal (edited April 28, 2000).]
Okay. After doing a search here, reading all the replies and after much consideration, I ordered a fanny pack from Eagle Industries.


Nice bag. They offered a variety of colors, so I opted for navy blue instead of the standard gun-bag-black. It still looks very squared-off, but I'm convinced that the only people who see fanny-pack and automatically think 'gun' are cops and CCW people. All-in-all a nice, inconspicuous pack.

I carry a P232, so I got the 'small' pack, which they stated would hold the gun. Yes, I know; I just ignored the advice of a few people who advised getting a pack 'one-size-up' from what you carry. It nearly cost me, too. The pack will conceal a P232...barely.

In the pack is a removable holster, complete with velcro strap to secure it to the pack and a thumbreak strap for retention. this si where I first ran into problems. Securing the gun in the holster revealed two things: 1. the butt of the gun prevented a quick drawstring-pull of the compartment...the zipper hung up every time on the butt, and 2. once you got the compartment open, it was well-nigh impossible to get the danged thumbbreak to break. After a while I gave up on the thumbreak and just removed the strap (its designed to be removable), and discovered that the gun sits in the holster just fine without it. Further tinkering revealed that the holster could be moved a little to one side and canted downwards, thus 1. preventing the butt from stopping the zipper and 2. angling the gun so that it was no longer perfectly horizontal (allowing gravity to help keep it in the holster, not that this was a problem).

Thus, after a little bit of experimentation, I was quite satisfied with the pack. Thanks to all who answered my questions. :)


PS I modeled it for my wife, who was rather unimpressed. I asked her if she looked at it and thought 'gun.' She said, "No, but I do look at it and think 'geek.'" ;)

Oh well. :D

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein

Glad you like your D&S pack. I think they're putting out a high quality product at a reasonable price. I think they're one of the few packs that don't scream gun.

So many pistols, so little money.