The dreaded "Clack" !!!


New member
So, I was lining my flintlock fowler up on a squirrel, pulled back the cock and heard a loud CLACK sound. Ok, so I wasn't hunting. There was no squirrel. All lies. But the CLACK sound was real (when I took the fowler out of the safe and tried to cock it). The mainspring broke right at the elbow. This is a Chambers lock. TOW sells the springs for this one, but they don't expect any in for 90 days or so. Are there any other options besides TOW? I checked Dixie, no go. They don't have it. Here's the lock I have, all I need is the mainspring:
Call Jim Chambers directly. He is a prince of a man, and he'll get one out to you fast. Or you can talk to Barbie (his daughter) You'll have a new spring right away
Wyosmith put you on the right track and I'll add a +1 to what he says about Jim - a goo man!

Now . . . sorry to hear about your broken spring but you do know that it indicates that you need to take that fowler out and shoot it more often? :D:roll eyes:

Hope you can get a spring quickly and get back into action! Best of luck! :)