The difference between"" Drugs"" and Alcohol?

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Master Blaster

New member
I was reading George's post and it amazes me
that a number of folks feel that Alcohol is somehow
different than the Illegal drugs.

There is no difference Alcohol is a drug.
Alcohol is a highly addictive drug with
debilitating mental and physical effects.
Alcohol kills Brian cells, from the first
sip to the last guzzle.

Alcoholism kills more people than all of the
illegal drugs put together every year.

Currently it is easier to get
Marrijuana for the average
12 year old than it is to get Alcohol.

Legalizing the illegal drugs will allow more
control over their use not less. Education and rehabilitation are the key. We cannot build enough
jail cells to hold all of the illegal drug users.
Ever wonder why when violent crime is on the decrease
we need to build more jails????
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