"The Desire"


New member
I was reading the "Its just to simple" and one of the poster made a statement that finally ( I'm a litle slow) like a ton of bricks. That statement was in regards to the desire of the Bosnians and the S. Vietamese (sp) to fight for there freedom or more correctly they're lack of desire to fight. No matter how good of equipment that was provided if the desire wasn't ther it was useless. Then it hit me. That is exactly the U.S. citizen is. Especially the gun owners. As private owners I believe there are in excess of 200 weapons in private hands. Some 70 million owners of firearms. Around 30 % of the population owns firearms. Of that 30% I am sure alot of those arms are equal too or excede what the military and the law enforcement agencies have. Additionally I am sure alot of private owners are better marksman then the 2 above agencies. 30% yet we sit around and snival while they take or rights from us. Rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution. So the conclusion is that we have the means 200M+ firearms but not the desire. You can buy firearms but desire comes from a place deep within ones soul. They not only act foot loose with the second amendment rights but also the other 9 rights are interpreted to suit them. But who is them ---it's us. Think about this in medeval england the surfs were required to give 10% of the labor to the king, and this was thought to be barbaric. Pull out your 1040 and see how much the kings confinscated.(sp) from you!

"Solidarity is the Key"
YES!!! There is no question that unity is the key. Also I think the concepts of revolution and the historical percentages of participation of successful revolutions ought to to passed along to our leaders in Congress, and that how in no way do we propose to overthrow the government; ( however I don't think it is against the Constitution to use force in support of the Constitution) there is in fact a far greater percentage of gun owners in America than have ever been needed to successfully create a change in government in world history.

We need to make them understand that we will not allow any further trampling of our God Given Rights... and in fact we will no longer accept the infringements that have already been foisted upon the American populace.

But..... we must project a united front on this issue, and we must find a new organization to spearhead our attack in the fight to restore our Rights. OR.... we must take back the foremost organization known to the public .... the NRA. This current administration and the Executive Director must be replaced! AT once not next year or the year after... if necessary lets charge them with conspiracy to prevent the free exercise of our Constitutionally Guarranteed Rights... what ever it takes to either return the NRA to its proper path or to destroy its ability to speak ( read sell us out ) on our behalf.

ACT now , while we still have the ability to resist and while the contest may still be won with little or no bloodshed.

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?
Menos- Well it's seems this group is similiar to the Shooter's on line group. They don't seem to want to discuss what really needs to be done. Marchs, letter writing etc. and what have we got? More restrictive laws. Hey I'd like to live to a ripe old age but not as a slave. I'm ready but it looks like you and me are the only ones.

"Solidarity is the Key"