The Demos are looking scared

David Roberson

New member
So this morning I read that leading Democratic Party newsletter, the New York Times, which has two mildly anti-Bush/Cheney articles on the front page, an anti-Cheney "news analysis," and an anti-Cheney editorial. There's also a story about how the Democrats are pleased that Bush chose such a terrible guy as his running mate.

The overall impression this gave me: Darn, these guys are really scared that Bush might win.
Agreed. They are concerned. Cheney is well versed in the DC political arena, has foreign policy experience, military (SOD) experience and here's the cherry on the cake - he has a pro-gun record.

Cheney would not have been my chioce but he's still a good one. We could have done much worse.


NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

The NRA is our shield, the GOA will be our sword.
Oh my God! Lon Chaney is running for Vice President. I thought he was dead. Wow, Phantom of the Opera for VP. Imagine that.

Oh, RICHARD Cheney. Which scary movies was he in? ;)