The Democratic National Convention


New member
Where is the convention taking place this year? I believe a nice protest would be useful, or at least feel useful.

If a protest is in the works, I want in. Let's go to jail.
There have been protests at DNC gatherings in the past. The StateMedia simply doesn't cover them. Official Silence. I would, however, love to participate in such a demonstration.
Chicago 1968 got covered. A lot not to like was going on there at the time (see Seattle 99) on both sides. I'll admit my favorite image is of a young Dan Rather being shoved out of the hall by Daley's goons, spouting protests, trembling into the mike, and wetting his pants. I guess this is when he decided that it is better to go to work for them.
Where is the Democrat convention going to be held? I hear they are considering either Peking, or Havana.

[This message has been edited by KAC556 (edited December 28, 1999).]
CDF: Heck, I remember the protests at some of the Presidential debates last time around, over the exclusion of third party candidates... The network cameras all aimed at a building front, with the anchors facing the camera and the occassional passerby in the background. Then I got the Libertarian publications, showing the BIG picture: The cameras were just the other side of a police line, with protesters so deep you couldn't see the other side of them. Talk about deliberate misrepresentation! The anchors were looking right at the protestors they were pretending didn't exist, while they read their copy.

Sic semper tyranus!