The current run on guns and ammo is good for America

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New member
Every time I go into my favorite gun store, I have been really happy to see the shelves empty, those guns are now in the hands of responsible law abiding citizens.

As an American, I have taken heart in the fact that americans are taking this threat to our rights seriously.

About a year ago I got a pistol permit, and at the time I was the first in my office to do so. Since then two more people have already entered their paperwork with the police department and two more are very interested. I am told that the police departments throughout my state are overwhelmed with the new applications.

The raised awareness with the general populus will serve us well with the fight ahead. Also, the more armed the populus the lower the crime rate and the safer we all are.

I haven't seen a stat on the NRA, does anyone know if the enrollment rate is way up....I hope?
It may be a positive thing, but I just spend $70+ dollars for a 500-rd box of .22, a 50-rd box of .38-spl and a dry box.

I can't afford to shoot as much as I used to. :mad: And I may never be able to fill the new dry box.
Stan, the only thing in your OP that is on topic for this forum, is the pistol permit required in Conneticut. That may be a legal issue... For the few States that require such. However, you didn't voice any opposition to this, therefore I conclude you are fine with this piece of regulation. Hence, no legal issue.

That alone is not enough to keep this thread alive. This forum is not a free-for-all by which opinions divorced from legal or civil rights issues may be voiced.

No civil rights issues. No legal issues, off topic and closed.
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