The Cry Continues


New member
I just don't see how or when this ever ends. Daily, w/o hardly looking we can find stories just as this one. When are they finally going to come clean and admit they are not going to stop until there is a complete and utter ban and confiscation of ALL firearms? When are they finally going to be Honest? They even admit the Laws in place would not have stopped the shooting yet they want More. "We need to do something, Anything!" That is always the cry.

I am just one person and I don't know how to fight this any longer. I cannot stop the election of people that continually think this way. This constant bombardment is becoming depressing. To think and act through emotion and not reason. I just don't understand anymore.

Sorry, I feel I need to do something more though I don't know what.
I think more states are adding misdemeanor harassment, stalking, etc, to the list of offenses that prohibit gun possession. According to the linked article, that might have prevented this person from legally getting a gun.
Each of us is just one person. One fights ignorance with facts, if one can engage 'the other side' in civil conversation.

If not, one leaves and goes to the range to focus on sight alignment, breathing, and trigger control.

These cries for more laws have unintended consequences.

When an 'assault weapons ban was proposed during the tenure of President Clinton, I bought an AR-15 even though I'd never even wanted one. So I had this rifle and no real use for it, but found out I could get a Garand from CMP if I shot the AR in a match and used the match bulletin as 'proof of marksmanship competition'. And wound up not only with a Garand, but hooked on Highpower competition, with AR Service Rifle, AR-based spacegun, and a shorty AR set up for feral hogs.

While Mr. Obama was president, each ripple in the news brought a frenzy of AR-15 buying. I have several friends who have hunted with bolt action rifles for many years, who never ever wanted an AR-15, who have them now. Unfired but they have them.

You are quite correct, the 'other side' will not rest until all firearms are illegal - but all that means is that they will never get to rest. It does not mean they will win.

I've gotten 'yelled at' for drawing the parallel between Prohibition and 'Gun Control' but it is clear to see. They can ban whatever they want, make criminals-on-paper of half the population, and the only thing that will change is that when you take your AR to the range to shoot, you'll need to take out the gas tube and make it either a side-charging straight-pull bolt action, or a pump. If you look at the NICS check numbers by month and year, you will find that there are so many firearms (many of them semiautomatic rifles) legally in the hands of US citizens that confiscating them would be an insurmountable task.

You may be amused to look up 'Canadian Rifle Registry' on Wikipedia or someplace more authoritative. You will find that even with the relatively small population of that country, compared to the USA, the financial burden of simply trying to register (not confiscate, just register) all the long guns was intractable.

Please do not mistake me, I'm as concerned / worried as you are, and with good reason. But despair puts no venison in the freezer, or 10s on the scorecard, or felons in the hospital (or morgue).

But these things take time, and people do sometimes awaken from their slumber. The situation looks grim now, but "It ain't over 'till the fat lady sings" and we do ourselves a disservice by letting them get us down.

My state recently (a year or so back) enacted ex parte restraining orders. The initial order can be issued with no hearing, no notice to the person being restrained, and no due process. The order is issued, the person must immediately surrender all firearms ... and then he/she can go to court and try to convince a judge why the order shouldn't be made permanent. Good luck with that.

And this is in a state where a single harsh word can be grounds for prosecution as "domestic violence."

Frankly, the world is reaching a point where those who care about personal responsibility and personal freedom almost can't afford to have any sort of relationship. At 74 years of age, I've had enough to know that it's impossible to predict what a significant (or even not-so-significant) other will do, and (especially) what stories they'll tell when a relationship ends.

It's scary. In my case, my wife passed away about four years ago. The wife of one of my high school classmates died around the same time. He almost immediately started going to singles events, and he's now seeing someone he refers to as his "girlfriend." For me, I'm not interested in "dating." Even if I were interested, in today's socio-political climate I would be too afraid of possible consequences.
From what I see in todays world the type of gun doesn't even make a difference. In this case a pump shotgun was used. Still the same cry to disarm everyone.

Yes life is tragic, I have lost both my father and a brother to drunk drivers 15 years apart yet I still drive a car. Though my brother was on a motorcycle and was hit from behind while stopped, to this day I will not ride on the hiways! I even get nervous when a motorcycle is in front of me and this has been since 1972.

As Aguila and I were talking the other day my daughter had a home attack and now she wants a firearm and I do not blame her. After taking her to the range and letting her shoot I believe with proper training she will be just fine. So there will be one more new gun owner.

Even my poor protected corner of the world is becoming more violent and uncivil. It is the reason that after 30+ years of not owning a firearm the wife and I now own 6 hand guns and she has learned to use each of them very well.
My state recently (a year or so back) enacted ex parte restraining orders. The initial order can be issued with no hearing, no notice to the person being restrained, and no due process. The order is issued, the person must immediately surrender all firearms ... and then he/she can go to court and try to convince a judge why the order shouldn't be made permanent. Good luck with that.

And this is in a state where a single harsh word can be grounds for prosecution as "domestic violence."

AB, I wouldn't want to live in your State. My State has Ex Parte orders, and has had for some time. Getting the initial order is not very difficult (a topic we've broached in the past, I think). That being said, in my experience, in my state, most orders don't survive the actual due process hearing. And... at least harsh words aren't "domestic violence" here. Well, within reason. You can't threaten someone. Obviously.

Frankly, the world is reaching a point where those who care about personal responsibility and personal freedom almost can't afford to have any sort of relationship. At 74 years of age, I've had enough to know that it's impossible to predict what a significant (or even not-so-significant) other will do, and (especially) what stories they'll tell when a relationship ends.

On this we agree. Should I something ever happen to my wife or relationship, God forbid, I would not want another. For many reasons, but the ones that you refer to factor into that significantly.
After the Parkland shootings, all my gun friends were being thoughtful and formulating simple low level things that were productive and which didn't impinge on our 2nd amendment. Then apparently the Russian trolls got hold of them. A week later they were all attack dogs hostilely going after anyone that didn't hold the view that absolutely nothing must be done.
If people keep dying and even genuinely useful progress is refused that does not hurt the 2nd amendment, those you view as the opposition simply won't care what you have to say, and you will be bypassed. They will proceed to TELL you what to do and you will have got what you deserved for refusing to use your influence to steer it in a direction more advantageous to yourself.
I used to think the gun control nuts were ironically the impedence to their own goal of gun control. Now I think the gun nuts are becoming their own worst enemy as well.
Andy Blozinsky said:
If people keep dying and even genuinely useful progress is refused that does not hurt the 2nd amendment, those you view as the opposition simply won't care what you have to say, and you will be bypassed. They will proceed to TELL you what to do and you will have got what you deserved for refusing to use your influence to steer it in a direction more advantageous to yourself.
What do you consider to be useful progress that does not hurt the 2nd Amendment?
If people keep dying and even genuinely useful progress is refused that does not hurt the 2nd amendment

People are going to "keep dying," no matter what. The problem is, the media has whipped up a frenzy over a supposed "epidemic" of gun violence in this country that simply isn't there. Our homicide rate with firearms has dropped by 49% since reaching its apex in 1993. This is part of a downward trend that's been going on since 1955.

While we do seem to have a problem with these public shootings, I need to point out two things. The first is a very real copycat effect, and it's due to the same media that tells us we have an epidemic on our hands. Prior to Columbine, we didn't really have these incidents very often, and casualties were usually restricted to fewer than 4 people. The media obsessed over the Columbine shooters and turned those two dirtbags into folk heroes. More mass shootings followed, with each one trying to outdo the last.

(Computers owned by the Virginia Tech, Aurora, and Sandy Hook shooters all showed extensive research on Columbine.)

The second comes from an interesting conversation I had with a retired FBI agent in 2013, in which he brought up an interesting point: what ever happened to serial killers? Remember that? It turns out that such activity has plummeted, largely because we live in a society with excellent forensic tools and in which it's harder for people to hunt anonymously. It's been theorized that, instead of spreading their sprees out over months or years, these people are now settling on a single, high-casualty incident.

Guns haven't become any more lethal in my lifetime. They haven't become any easier to get. The availability of the tool is not the problem. There's something wrong with us as a society, and that's what needs to be addressed.

...but of course, the media and opportunistic politicians aren't going to suggest that. They prefer easy soundbites and empty panaceas.
Andy Blozinski said:
They will proceed to TELL you what to do and you will have got what you deserved for refusing to use your influence to steer it in a direction more advantageous to yourself.

They can TELL me whatever they want. I’m not going to be any more convinced or cooperative then than I am now.
When are they finally going to come clean and admit they are not going to stop until there is a complete and utter ban and confiscation of ALL firearms? When are they finally going to be Honest?

Don't expect honesty from someone who is arguing from a minority viewpoint. If, for example, a pro gun control position were held by the majority of people in the U.S., then the pro gun control people (or anti-gunners) would fear little by revealing the true nature of their position.
Since I posted this I have seen 3 other stories of a similar nature. The story tellers are lying but I believe many would call it half-truths or misdirection. When only half the story is reported it is easy to distort the truth and as we see if the story is repeated enough if becomes the truth in many minds.

I agree with Tom Servo on the point that guns in our society are not the problem. but it is society itself that has become the problem and that is going to be an even harder fix than trying it with more gun laws or any law for that matter.. A society cannot legislate morality.
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It goes beyond the gun issue. Although the gun issue along with the border situation are most prevalent currently.

Much of the media misdirects and sprinkles opinions, comments, and even non-verbal rebuttals by interviewers, such as, "hmmm", "ok", "huh"...etc. that are meant to sway its listener. Gone are the days of Walter Cronkite. One has to read between the lines AND perform research if one wants an unbiased story. Like Mulder said, "The Truth is Out There". The problem is that most are too lazy to do the research.
Last month, a guy carjacked (at least) 3 cars, shot two people, went into a WalMart, shot the lock off the ammo cabinet, grabbed some (more) ammo, left the store and was trying to carjack another car when two Walmart customers (who did not know each other), followed him out of the store and confronted him. Both armed citizens fired, and the guy was killed.

Neither armed citizen was a cop, or security guard, just ordinary folks with legal concealed weapons. The cops praised them, saying it was the definition of a "good shoot" and that they very likely prevented multiple murders.

The gentlemen did not speak to the press. The cops did not give the press the names of the citizens.

The local TV news covered the story, once, and with several mistakes.

The Seattle paper wrote it up, the first article had some information missing, the second, the next day was more complete and accurate.

The national news media did not cover it, that I could find. I looked. not a peep about it. The national media will spend a week telling you what some idiot tweeted, and how some people got upset, but doesn't mention lawful self defense at all, if they can avoid it, somehow...
(edit to add, apparently CBS did cover it, and I missed that. my bad :o)

The only thing they accept is taking the guns out of the hands of everyone who is not paid to carry one. Nothing else fits their agenda. Fighting back, and removing human vermin from the face of the earth doesn't fit their agenda.
A society cannot legislate morality.
That is true.
Our society used to legislate against immorality much more decisively than we seem to today.
So what is different now than then and more importantly, what's the remedy.
Not a conversation for this forum, but I believe that the answer is pretty obvious.
The national news media did not cover it at all. I looked. not a peep about it. The national media will spend a week telling you what some idiot tweeted, and how some people got upset, but doesn't mention lawful self defense at all, if they can avoid it, somehow...

The only thing they accept is taking the guns out of the hands of everyone who is not paid to carry one. Nothing else fits their agenda. Fighting back, and removing human vermin from the face of the earth doesn't fit their agenda.

I rarely watch the news anymore. It seems the "news" is more of a sloppy display of opinion than the objective reporting of events/facts.
ATN082268 I have to agree. Even the local new on the networks of CBS, NBC or ABC have seemed to have turned even local events into and editorial or op-ed. They all have a bias just by the stories they run, the order in which they run them and even just the verbiage they use when reporting the story. It all slants the importance of the story. National News, I gave up trying to find any that will just report the news w/o editorializing. I want the News, not your opinion!
You guys all act or comment like you were
born yesterday or at least not very long

Go back to the 1960s and you'll see not
much has changed. And the NRA was
crying disaster then too.

Even with Democrat presidents, Congress
disaster was still seen right around the
corner. Anyone remember Hamilton
Jordan's vows about guns?

And now here we are. Maybe a dooms day
really is just minutes away. Or not.
The national news media did not cover it at all.

In fairness, I saw it on an evening news broadcast, CBS if I recall correctly, and it was on the network news website for a few days. IIRC.