The Crisco Kid


New member
Me again. As noted, I load Crisco (actually store generic cheapo) in my Old Army both as a lube and to prevent "chain firing". I notice that after the first shot, almost all of it is blown clean from the all the chambers. How can it do the job? Or is enough also blasted down into the tiny clearance between the ball and the chamber wall to work? :confused:

Good question! :D I haven't used grease yet, just a greased wad, but I would suspect it's just as you think. Assuming you packed it in the chamber, there would have to be some squeezed into the recess at the front the ball between it and the cylinder wall...........?? Makes you glad grease is cheap, doesn't it? :p
So many people use crisco, so I can't say it's no good...but, I think it's too thin and if you can get some beeswax, it'd be worth melting some wax and crisco together for a thicker lube.
I have a large batch I made a year ago, which I can't replicate, it was an experiment with Beeswax, olive oil, lard, wintergreen and some green crayons. I tried to copy TC bore butter, but ended up with a lube even better. It's thicker and works great on the bolt and any part of the action in general. I use the same mix melted to dip felt wads too.
As far as i know Using crisco, bore butter or whatever. After packing down the ball you filler up with lube. The lube does blow out and get all over the place. Same time however it pretty much coated the whole outer rim of the ball between the ball and chamber walls. Making it wet. As we all know Wetness and black powder do not mix. So it really does not take a lot of crisco or bore butter as long as the walls are lightly coated and there is a wetness between the ball and the chamber. This will prevent chain firing. As a dry cylinder will not prevent chain firing at all.
I would try for a thicker lube but. I have this nice all brass "cake decorator" grease gun I got from Dixie Gun Works. I can just squirt it in without a big mess, level it with my thumb. When it gets a little cold on the range, I can just about squeeze it out. Besides, will the thicker lube withstand the blast any better?
Black powder shooting is just a big mess and hassle anyway!! Aint it great?? :D
I've been using felt wads and wax wads for so long now, I kinda forget, but I think the lube I made withstands each shot.
I`ve always just put the crisco lube over my first ball on my 1858 Remingtons and it`s always been enough , like said after the first shot ,it won`t stay put on the other chambers anyway .
Well, I guess a conical bullet is even better in that regard, as there is more of its surface in contact with the chamber walls. Or is the ball expected to get squished a little while ramming. Have a ball mould, but never shot many of them.

BTW: Being inherently dumb, how do you get a quote from another post to appear in your new post? :confused: Thanks!

BTW: Being inherently dumb, how do you get a quote from another post to appear in your new post?

Click on reply. Then in the icons at the top of the message box click on text icon next to the pic icon. Scroll down to the post you want to quote from and hilight and copy the part you want to quote and paste it between the ] [
Hawg beat me to it while I was typing my response. Here it is anyway, a little more long winded than Hawg's:

For Windows users: Highlight the text using the usual Windows 'click and drag' technique. Then use your browser's Edit/Copy function or right click the highlighted text and select Copy or press CTRL-C.

Open your new message window, place the cursor at the location where you want the quote to appear and select the little text box icon in the second toolbar line at the top of the window (between the pound sign and the picture icon). This will place two 'quote' delimiters around the cursor location in the message window.

Select Edit/Paste or right click on the cursor between the 'quote' delimiters and select Paste or press CTRL-V. The text you copied from the other message will appear between the 'quote' delimiters.

Alternatively, you can copy the text as stated above, then paste it directly into your new message using the Edit/Paste, right click/Paste or CTRL-V method. Then highlight the text using the click and drag technique. Finally, click on the text box icon in the tool bar. It will put the 'quote' delimiters around the selected text in your message.
I think the possibility of chainfires are highly, HIGHLY over rated. Think back to the civil war. Do you think they took the time to grease each shot during battle? No, no they didn't. I shot my '58 replica many times without any grease at all. The seal between the ball and chamber will block any sparks unless you loaded it wrong or used the wrong size ball. The only real risk of chainfires comes from the nipple end.
The only real risk of chainfires comes from the nipple end.

Not so. My first 58 chainfired all the time until I started lubing the balls(I was 12). I've loaded all six chambers with 40 grs. of Pyrodex and fired each chamber with the other chambers uncapped. No chains but it will chain if all the nipples are capped and balls not lubed. Now maybe the chambers on that particular gun are out of round or something but it's the most accurate 58 I have.
I`ve never had a chain fire ...but I get alot of chain letters in my email ..wish they`d go away ....I did see a friend of mine have 3 chain fires one day ..I wasn`t watching the first one but the next 2 ..I was watching and when he fired it the chamber to the left went off and it was well lubed ..he was useing loose fitting caps ..the cap was on it as he pulled the trigger ..of course after it went off the cap was gone , blew off, but it had to have happened from the rear ..he had crisco smeared heavy on the chambers .
That old Remmy I was talking about took #9 caps. All I could find were #11. Talk about loose fitting. But it will not chainfire if the balls are lubed whether it has caps on the other nipples or not.

I have a Pietta 1858 Remington that I have fired over 1,000 rounds with no chain fires using no grease over the balls. In loading the cylinders with 25 gr of 777 and a .454 round ball the top of the ball sits about 2\5th of the way down the cylinder. Maybe by seating them this deep the chances of a chain fire are greatly reduced? The revolver is accurate with this loading. I may have been lucky having no chain fires but it may have to do with the bullet seating depth.
If you shoot enough without lube it will eventually happen. You'll see flat spots on some balls in every box and eventually you'll load one with the flat spot right against the cylinder. Without lube or wads theres no protection from the exposed powder.