
New member
Enough Emails asking me What are Cool Points - I will tell you:
Where I come from we have a little thing...
If you go and do some thing stupid you lose your fictional "Cool Points" and if you do something slick... You gain them...
Dropping a magazine on a fast draw... Minus big time.
Failure to release the thumb break on a draw... Ouch... big loss of status there if you had witnesses to your fumble.
Do something really cool... Buy an HK gun, new Vette or Durango - well, you just gained a lot of cool points. This is mainly an ego filler. Date a Super Model, or Snap On Tools calander girl... Yeah, thats cool. Trip on your own feet while on the date. :( Major fummble. You very well could have lost ALL your cool points for the day. If that happens - you become a Non Person for the rest of the day, and as such, you cant voice your opinion, or ask a favor, or give advice.
An Untouchable. Ouch.
This system is used by many bored police officers working together late at night with nothing better to do than to come up with stupid s**t to do. This works well with a group of guys on a range trip together, or hunting party. Or what ever.
There - now you all know what I am talking about...
So, does gaining CPs mean you get something? Like if five goes go to the range do you put $50 in a pot and split it up according to the proportional relation of CPs at the end of the session?
Does the least CP guy have to buy every else a beer?
Does the most CP guy get a beer from everyone else? (and a ride home?)

Do you have a clearly defined rating system or is it each individual act rated subjectively based on the circumstances?

am I taking this too seriously?

As far as coming up with stupid (but often funny) stuff, we have come up with a checklist of things to ask witnesses that are not at all relevant, but lead to interesting responses.
One of the first ones was "Have you read any good books lately?" it went downhill from there.... use your imagination.
Kodiak, how many cool points do you get if you used to date Miss Texas?? O.K., it WAS 20 years ago and 45 pounds ago....
Hey, this could be a great sport for me - I manage high scores in golf all the time. ;)

I had a similar experience - dated the Fiesta Bowl queen once, about 20 years ago. She was a Latino beauty when I served as one of the judges in 1974. Unfortunately, we dated in 1977, and she had likewise gained a lot of weight! Timing is everything ...
Rob - I think you have the system down pretty well.
Most CP related questions in your group can be resolved by majority vote - But the guy with the most CPs gets a line item veto... which could be over ruled by a 2/3 vote...

David - for example:
I got 500 CPs for going out on a date with a certain calander bikini girl, in my new T-bird. Wonderful date with lots of baseball terms... BUT - I lost about a million CPs when after I dropped her off, she was walking up some steps and I pulled off still admiring her skirt... and drove my T-bird into a light pole.
Ouch... Instant Nonperson status... and no 2nd date.

Good thing is - in the morning you wake up with the ante 100 CPs of wich you usually lose most by the time your ready to leave the house. In my case that morning I woke up to a crushed front end a dangling headlight.
A few months later I had married my wife and my T-bird still had a black eye.

Aaah - Confession IS good for the soul.

Kenetic Defense Institute