"The Can" doe call

Sea Buck

New member
While in Dick's earlier this year I bit for " The Can". I used it off and on this season in doe areas. Is this a realistic call? It's fun in the camp, but seriously has any one had success with this gadget?
We all go through this stage as we start out hunting and stay at it a few years. I can not say this stuff does not work, but timing is everything, and all deer are individuals. Does it work all the time? Heck no! It does not even work most of the time. I do know one guy that keeps a fawn bleat call in his hunting stuff when he goes out for coyote early. I have had quite a few people tell me they pulled in coyotes with turkey calls. I have had bucks come in just by grunting with my mouth, BUT they usually stay out in the brush and circle until they can spot something or get downwind of it. The woods is polluted with calls and scents anymore. Deer are a lot more leery of lures and calls than 30 years ago. I have seen quite a few deer check the trees when they get a little wiff of your scent. I guess what it comes down to is: If YOU think it works, go for it.
I have a couple but can't say for sure they work on deer or not. I do just as well without them. One thing I do know they work on is hunters. :D
I have had it work for me once in the many years I have carried and used one and it wasnt a buck but a very large old doe came in to my call, I do use the can and my extinguisher but I havent seen any results, then again I am hunting in NH and our deer population is quite small, most areas just 1 or 2 deer per sq mile avg. I have seen a grunt call stop a buck and give me a shot a few years back but it wasnt what called him in, he was avoiding other hunters who were pushing him and some does and they just happened by my stand.
I have owned and used one since 2009. In 2009, it drew a button buck out in the open and cost him his life. It hasn't drawn anything in since then.

Last year in camp I was in a stand using the can and another hunter was a couple hundred yards away (not in sight of each other) and was using a grunt call. We both thought we were attracting a deer but alas we were just talking to each other:)

I never "bit" on rattling antlers or the new rattling bags but this year in camp two of the guys in camp rattled in good bucks. So, I'm waiting on the after season sales and will probably own some sort of rattling tool before next season:D
I've tried a number of deer calls, and "the can" is one of my favorites.
I don't use it to find deer, I use it to calm or stop a moving deer long enough to shoot.
That's where most calls shine is stopping deer.
Had a spike come right up to the box blind on one once. At least I think he came for the call but, he stuck around and ate the corn that had spilled out there. Or he could have just been dumb. He lived that day.
I have had success stopping deer using my mouth by saying "maaah".

I've had success just rattling the sling swivels. It works if one is feeding with his back to you. It will make him look around to see what's going on.
Those are half tame deer. I was lifting my rifle on two deer out about 80 yards that were coming in. I had on bib overalls with plastic buckles for the shoulder straps. One of the buckles "Clinked" against the stock and they took off like I had shot at them. I usually just whistle or yell "Yo" to stop a deer. Hunters tend to forget about the acute hearing of a deer. I worry way more about that than their sense of smell. I learned my lesson about moving my butt on a nylon seat when wearing pants that were part polyester.
In the past I have used the bleet calls. No luck.

Then I was able to hunt from a raised blind from sun up to sun down for 2 weeks and this is what I found.

As the deer came into the area all day long day after day. I finally heard a fawn bleat. The little thing was lost and was calling for mommy. I would place some pieces of pumpkin spread out and chopped up for feed. The doe and fawn got separated with a few trees between them as they were casually feeding. Then the fawn bleated and came searching for mom. Mom casually cam around the corner and Jr. was quiet. The bleat is Jr. calling for Mommy. That is all there is to it. My bleat call failed to work I assume because the Doe knows the voice. Perhaps it would help in certain conditions but not all.

If you want to draw in the Deer and hold them for a moment or longer get a decoy and spray it with the appropriate sent. I have had young bucks fall in love at first site and mature bucks come charging in.
It is realistic, but it is not loud enough. Deer have to be close to respond to it. I have used it playing with some immature bucks. I call them in very close with it and then run them off with my deepest toned grunt call.:D I have never had a deer be able to hear the can past about 50 yards.
Number of times I have blown a grunt call: Countless
Number of times a grunt call has worked (in such a way that I could say it was definitely the proximate cause of a deer appearing): Zero

Number of times I have clanked together the rattling horns: Countless
Number of times ratting has worked: Zero

Number of times I have hit the doe bleat can: Countless
Number of times the bleat can has worked: About SIX times.

However, what it brings in for me, so far, is just yearling or 2.5 year old bucks, or a fawn.. and once another doe. So I usually pass on what it brings in, but it does work sometimes.
I have one but it's more of a "novelty" than a useful hunting tool. The call was sitting on a table and Grandson was messing with it so I told him to take it with him to the deer stand(I was NOT going-just his Dad). When they came back in, Dad(my Son) handed me the call with the comment "please don't let him take that out of the house EVER again".
Best time to use one is after you have seen the deer and are trying to calm it down or get it out of the thick stuff. Big bucks are very cautious because when they are there most all other deer are silent. The only time I've seen a deer bleat in the woods was when does had yearlings with them. I've seen does with bucks many times and I've heard the bucks grunting but never the doe. If you are hunting meat this is a good tool. If your after big bucks maybe not so much.