The Cali-fornicated of the country...


New member
Watching the percentages in some of this states that I believe have been highly conservative, I have been surprised at how many votes Gore won.

Consider Arizona. I would have thought that Bush would have taken this state with a much HIGHER percentage that he did, but was greatly shocked at how close they were.

One talking head expressed the opinion that it was because of the influx of California residents that have moved here.

I tend to agree. They breed in Califonia, and New York, then spread like a terminal disease to other states.

I makes me sick...

"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

www.cphv.COM & www.handguncontrol.NET are being sued by Handgun Control, Inc.!

See the "cease and desist" letter here:
And the sickening thing that all the lightweight yuppies and the urban city-rats in America are crushing the rest of us with the sheer mass and weight of their often opinionless (yet partisan) votes.

The fact alone that California counts for so many electoral colleges makes me sick. Then, as you say, the idiots there breed and spread like a fungus over the Country.

I am too surprised at Gore's results. First of all, I almost refuse to believe that he actually got a majority in the popular vote (which even Clinton never managed to do).... We are talking about wooden, unexciting, slimy, bold-faced liar Gore here! Where's his appeal? Then I also refuse to believe how wrong all the pre-electoral polls were, which put Bush ahead by a pretty good margin.

I wouldn't be surprised if we found out that an electoral scam was pulled by the Democratic National Committee, a body for which winning is the categoric imperative of existence.

Private gun ownership is the capital sin in the left's godless religion. Crime is merely a venial mistake.

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John, it is a slow growing cancer. I LEFT Phoenix in 42, it seemed to be getting crowded. Took my parents with me.

Prescott Valley was Jackass Flats with hardly a person. Now it is crammed with flatlanders who want to live in the country but bring the city (and taxes) with them. Liberals and corruption running the show at all levels.

The sheep are outbreeding us and the wolves are controlling them.

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."
Oh, leave the Kalifornians alone. I used to live in AZ. I think the real culprit is abortion and the environment.

Lots of moms in AZ,

I suspect we've got the same problem here in Colorado. A whole bunch of Californians moved here over the last ten years. What's the old saying? "As California goes, so goes the nation"? I guess there's something to that maxim.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.

"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined."
--Patrick Henry, during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution (1788)

We have a similar problem in fla.,, we are over run by ny yankees and such as those....whats an old cracker to do....never mind....fubsy.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by olazul:
Oh, leave the Kalifornians alone. I used to live in AZ. I think the real culprit is abortion and the environment.

Lots of moms in AZ,


California moms.

I rest my case. :D

"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

www.cphv.COM & www.handguncontrol.NET are being sued by Handgun Control, Inc.!

See the "cease and desist" letter here:
LOL fusby, I feel that way everytime I attempt to drive down Fl Ave. here in Lakeland.

[This message has been edited by scud (edited November 08, 2000).]
I believe the biggest problem in America is that we have largely become amoral(there are no moral absolutes). This reduces election issues down to the economy. More people now care more about material gain and a comfy retirement than what we are becoming. I was shocked to hear that in exit polls one half of the Catholic vote voted for Gore!!! ONE HALF of the Catholics who were taught that abortion is wrong voted for the guy who without exception believes in the right of the woman to kill the life growing in her!!!

You know the best way to keep the population of leftists in check?
Keep abortion 'safe and legal.'
Sorry if I just ticked anyone off there...