The Burning of the Flag

Don Morgan

New member
by Patricia Hughes (a very close friend of mine)

It was the dead of night,
On the Fourth Of July.
When the smoke in the distance,
Caught my eye.

I rushed to the scene,
To offer my help,
I cried out in horror,
In spite of myself.

Piles of red, white, and blue,
Were now all aflame.
Our glorious flags,
Were burning in shame.

I pulled the colors out,
And saved what I could.
While those all around me,
So arrogantly stood.

"Let 'em burn, lady,"
They all said as one.
Nothing but ashes were left,
When the fires were done.

I openly cried,
Tears of great pain.
Visions of veterans,
Crowding my brain.

Many men have died,
In their support of,
Old Glory in her beauty,
That most of us love.

To those who dislike,
The red, white, and blue,
Take your butts over yonder,
Where there are others like you!

Don't make a mockery,
Of men good and true,
Who died for our flag,
Yes, for people like you.

For if all those brave men,
Had not died to preserve,
EVERYONE'S freedom,
You'd get what you deserve.

I'd take you my prisoner,
And tie you to a stake,
I'd burn you to ashes,
For Old Glory's sake.

You'd better pray,
That our flag always stands,
You'd be killed over there,
For your wanton demands.

"The Star Spangled Banner",
I'll sing with great pride.
With ghosts of our heroes,
Right by my side.

More of Patricia's Poems can be found at:

Society is safer when the criminal does not know who is armed