The brady banners are PRO MILITIA!


I check the gun banners' websites regularly and I've noticed something that has always been disturbing, but I have yet to see anyone on our side point it out: the brady banners are actually pro militia in their reading of the second amendment (see image below, which is prominent on several gun ban sites):


Clearly there are two reasons for this disturbing phenomenon.

1. Brady knows that americans are totally defenseless in that nearly all of the state and local militias have been destroyed. Brady knows that americans utterly refuse to form local militias, mostly for fear of embarrassment. Brady knows that there is zero chance of the militias being properly restored by the states OR citizens.

2. Brady seems ignorant of the U.S. code's definition of militia, but that doesn't seem to matter because Brady constantly argues that the 2nd amendment should be interpreted as ONLY protecting militias-which brady knows mostly no longer exist. Brady also knows that the courts won't do the correct thing and extend that militia protection to citizens, even though that is the crystal clear intent of the wording of the 2nd amendment AND of the founders.

Bottom line: since 100% of the states refuse to form militias, Brady is very comfortable that we have no right to own any firearm. Brady doesn't even have to lie and claim that the national guard is the 2nd amendment militia because the issue is dead because the actual 2nd amendment militias are mostly gone. If anybody pushed it with them though, Brady is not afraid to lie and say the national guard is the 2nd amendment militia because they know that no reporter is going to challenge them and ask "Why on earth are you arguing that the 2nd amendment protects the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT (national guard) from having their guns taken away, and why would the founders create such an absurd protection when the rest of the bill of rights protects the citizen?"
IIRC aren't the weapons of the said militia supposed to be supplied by each individual civilian who participates in said militia? And as such, should the necessity of having such said militia be required, wouldn't the average citizen be able to procure such weapons as necessary for their constitutional requirement in defense of this nation? So in other words, according to Brady, weapons of our modern age should only be sold and made available when the good old US of A is facing imminent invasion? :eek: (Probably would be sold by the government too)
The graphic seems to imply a pro-gun, revisionist judge legislating from the bench and removing mention of militia from the constitution -i.e., its poking fun at the DC circuit court of appeals for its interpretation of the ammendment.

I agree that regardless of the collectionist or individualist theory - each clause supports a person's right to own. I also believe that that fact is obvious to both sides of the battle.
What the Brady Bunch refuses to understand, or at least to admit, is that we find ourselves in EXACTLY the situation the 2nd amendment was meant for!

The people gave the Congress a few powers concerning the Militia of the several States, among them to provide for organizing, disciplining and arming it. Although the right to arms had already been secured for the people with regards to the Militia via this same clause (A1,S8,C16,) the wording left things a little too vulnerable to several usurptions by the new govt.

Even though NO power was granted to Congress to re-create "the Militia", they did just that. Even though NO power was given to TAKE CONTROL of the militia's arms, it has happened. And THIS IS EXACTLY WHY THE 2ND WAS ADDED TO A BILL OF PERSONAL RIGHTS, to articulate and secure the right of the people, independent of the Militia.

Those founders were pretty smart, huh? IF only they could have predicted how easy it would be for some idiots to give up inalienable rights, and expect others to do the same, they may have seen the need to be even a bit more specific.
The problem is that the will of the people, their understanding of the situation, and the ability to do so have been blunted. The "New Deal", Cold War, mass media, and the PC cultural disease have caused the muttonization of the masses, and the laws of '34, '68, and '86 declawed and castrated the 2nd Amendment. About the last time we could have exercised the provisions to revolt would have been with Prohibition, but alas the people failed to. We have a SERIOUS problem on our hands.

Should the MALITIA be called up:
Every man/woman between the ages of 16 and 60+ is to show up at the designated place with the WEAPONS USED BY THE MILITARY AT THAT TIME.