The boy's first rifle.


New member
So, I'm strongly considering a 22lr for the Lil fella. Something light weight. Length of pull on the shorter side. He's 10 and is a small Kat like his petite mother. Might weigh 55lbs soaking wet. Single shot bolt or the like. No auto. Magazine fed is OK but one at a time is preferred.
Also I wouldn't mind being able to put a quality after market peep on it. Like the Lyman. once he graduates from the basics of course. So consider that if you know of one. American made. Looked at a cricket. Despite the reviews I just don't like how they are made. please and thankyou gentlemen.
I would take a look at the Ruger American Rimfire in .22lr. Uses the awesome U shaped 10/22 mags which are everywhere. They are light weight, and comes with basically two different stock inserts, so he can continue to use it as he grows. Also has nice fiber optic sights that kids can easily see. I have sold a bunch to people looking for the exact same thing for their kids and they have been pleased. He might be a little small for it right NOW, but hes only gonna get bigger. Hope this helps.

PS Savage also makes a .22lr youth single shot called the Rascal. Basically the same thing as a cricket. Henery makes one as well, however they are all made pretty cheaply, and he will out grow it FAST, trust me, my gun safe still has a camo cricket that was my nephews in it.;)
You are starting late. The cricket would have been fine at five. Since he is 10 there is no reason to not pick him up a Winchester Model 90 and just jive him one bullet at a time till he can handle a few in the tube.
HK thank you for the reply. I was very pleased with the articles I've read about the ruger. I haven't laid eyes on one yet. I looked at a savage mk2-f at Walmart and I kinda like it but have read some reviews that kinda steer me away from Walmart stuff. ( I don't believe everything I read) mostly junky trigger stuff. Not that that would matter to a ten yr old boy. I'm such a classic guy its hard for me to buy any thing new. Sure wish I could find an affordable Remington #4 rolling block!! Man I might hog it though!!! Like I said if you know of anything that could be upgraded with a good after market sight(other than a scope) that would be a major selling point. Far fetched I know but still wishfully thinking. Again thank you for your interest.
ruger american rimfire is a fun little rifle. my brother recently acquired one, it's a decent gun, accurate, so far no feed issues that I've witnessed.
Got my oldest grandson a Rossi 22/410 combo last Christmas. Breech loaded & the barrels interchange quickly.
Took him a bit to warm up to the 410 but he's had a year for that. He really likes it now.
Look on the net for a rifle club near you that has a junior team.

Our club does and the youth gets to use the clubs rifles as they grow plus the enjoyment of the competition and club.

"Junior Program Mission Statement

The mission of the Bell City Rifle Club Junior Program is to teach firearms safety and basic rifle marksmanship to Juniors from ten to seventeen years of age. New Juniors are required to attend our Junior safety course which takes place over four nights and is taught twice a year. After successful completion of the safety course Juniors can become Junior members of the Bell City Rifle Club.
By attending Tuesday night practice, Juniors can advance through the NRA smallbore qualification course which takes them from Pro Marksman to Expert in fourteen steps. They may then work towards attaining their Distinguished Expert classification.
Juniors may also compete in the Connecticut Valley Junior Rifle League and various local and regional smallbore matches and move on to High Power competition.
Rifles, ammunition and equipment are provided.
The annual membership fee is $20.00. "

The NRA's site is good for finding the club.
Thank you everyone for your replies. @blindstitch you hit the nail on the head. That's one that I would love to have myself. I will be researching the "favorite" by savage for sure. The junior club is a great idea as well. Thanks gentlemen.
Got my oldest grandson a Rossi 22/410 combo last Christmas. Breech loaded & the barrels interchange quickly.
Took him a bit to warm up to the 410 but he's had a year for that. He really likes it now.

The Rossi/Tauras isn't a bad combo for $164 new with the two barrels but if I had to do it again I would get the 20 gauge combo over the 410.

The rifle sights suck and make it hard to hit anything at 25 yards. I got a reddot because it's small and easier to aim and then I could hit tin cans at 25 yards. But what really shined is when I put a cheap second hand tasco scope on it.

My wife can easily take it out and shoot nickle size groups at 25 yards.

And then when you're done using the 22 it turns into a shotgun.
I would take a look at the Ruger American Rimfire in .22lr. Uses the awesome U shaped 10/22 mags which are everywhere. They are light weight, and comes with basically two different stock inserts, so he can continue to use it as he grows.

Mostly right. Santa is bringing my 9 year old an American Rimfire Compact for Christmas this year, and while it does come with two stock inserts, the LOP is the same, one is just a higher comb for scope use.

The compact does come with a shorter stock insert than the standard model, but the loger LOP insert is interchangeable and cheap.

You can even get them from Amazon:

That way the rifle can grow with him. It comes with the standard crappy buckhorn rear sight, but peeps are available, you can even get the really nice Tech Sights or Skinner sights for them.
I just started my 7 yr old son shooting with a Savage Rascal. I believe that it was the best choice for my boys (have a 5 yr old too that will start with the Rascal in a yr or so also). I liked the idea of a single shot that they could begin on. However, I bought this gun knowing that it was not perfect, did not have the best sights, nor is it the most accurate. But it did allow me to teach him fundamentals and safety. I also accept that they will outgrow it fast and we will move on to better rifles.

Just my guess but I would agree with the above post, that if your son is 10, he has outgrown the Rascal already, as I think it has a 11 1/4" LOP.

That Stevens looks cool.

By the way: it doesn't matter when you start them, what matters is spending the time with them to teach them correctly. Last week was the first time I took my son shooting and it was a wonderful afternoon spent together.

Good luck.
Firme67 very well said sir. Before we know it they will be in highschool and driving. Cool ol' dad won't be so cool anymore. I have a 13 yr old girl (14 in Jan) who already "doesn't have much time" for her parents. Although she does enjoy shooting, participation is becoming fewer and farther in between.
Matt if you'd like a very nice classic style .22lr for him to appreciate, along with a peep sight, check out CZ 452. Even in their basic make the 452 military trainer they are NICE, I shoot squirrels with mine iron sighted. There are after market peep sights available as well. Not the cheapest idea, but something he'd hold onto for a life time.
Here's my 2-cents worth of opinion,,,

I have no idea what is the best,,,
We all have our own likes and dislikes,,,
Here are my recommendations for your little guy.

I do have personal experience with all but the Savage.

If you are desire is to give your son an heirloom,,,
The CZ-452 Scout is your rifle.

It's a extremely fine shooter,,,
And very pretty to boot.

If it is as precise a shooter as my 452 Trainer is,,,
It will be a long while before your son can outshoot the gun.

If American made functionality is your goal,,,
The Henry Mini Bolt will satisfy that very nicely.

The rifle is stainless steel with front and rear Williams Fire Sights standard,,,
The polymer stock is very well proportioned for young-uns,,,
And it will accept optics on an optional cantilever mount.

If it is as precise a shooter as my full size Accu-Bolt is,,,
You son wouldn't be outgunned by the CZ Scout.

The Savage Rascal gives you the option of a wood or polymer stock,,,
That AccuTrigger might give this rifle an edge,,,
I personally like those peep sights it has.

I have a base-line Savage without the AccuTrigger,,,
It has more precision than my 63 year old eyes can utilize.

Then there is the lowly Crickett,,,
I actually own one of these little shooters,,,
I bought it just so I would have something for young-uns.

It does not have the fit/finish of the other rifles,,,
But it's trigger is not bad and the peep sights are satisfactory.

Off of a cheap plastic rifle rest at 25 yards,,,
My co-workers 9-year old son can hit a 1" circle almost every shot.

Honestly, the Crickett would suit the needs of just about any kid out there,,,
But I can't argue with any justification used to buy one of the others.

Even knowing that his son shoots well with my Crickett,,,
My co-worker's son will receive a CZ-452 Scout on his next birthday.

Of the four I am personally drawn to the Henry Mini Bolt,,,
I am partial to stainless steel and the Williams Fire Sights.

Anyways, that my 2-cents,,,
Have fun choosing your son's rifle.


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