The bottom line

What happened yesterday, August 10th was a tragic reminder that we live in a dangerous world. For whatever reasons a person with ill intent decided to bring harm upon others. Without any pause the liberal minded politicians and pundits, without knowing any facts other than a man walked into a Jewish Community Center and started firing some type of firearm, began the cry of “we have to make America a safer place.” I can agree that America should be a safer place, but as has been said many times, the means does not justify the ends.
So what should America be doing? Should we be calling for a government “War on Guns”? If we look at the “War on Drugs” as a blueprint here is what would happen. There would be more illegal guns on the street, violence associated with their trade would increase dramatically, 1/3 of the population would be incarcerated for sometimes-minor infractions of the laws, and assets would be seized without trial or conviction of those suspected of having illegal firearms. The government can not stop the ILLEGAL drug trade, what makes anyone think they could stop the ILLEGAL trade in guns. With 20,000 laws already on the books dealing with firearms you would think the government would have a handle on crimes involving firearms already.
Let’s face the facts America, we can live in a free state or we can live in a police state, because that is the road the liberals would have us follow. So let’s declare the Constitution null and void because once you erode one right away, for the safety of society and the good of the children, you may as well line up your right to free speech, assembly and religion.
How incredibly ironic is it to have the head of a Jewish organization state that guns should be outlawed for the good of society. How long ago did some other man state in word and deed that a religion should not just be outlawed but eradicated from the face of the earth for the good of their society?
How ironic is it to have the governor of California bemoan this attack on the “defenseless” citizens of his state? Yet, almost in the same breath, he calls for more restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms, the very right that could have made these people able to defend their lives.
There are good people in this world and there are evil people in this world. We can not curtail our rights as free people based on what evil people will do. Take away the firearms and you still have people with evil in their souls. They will find other means to kill, whether it is with a hammer, a knife, an automobile, a bomb, poison, or fire, they will kill if that is what is in their hearts.
So before you join the rally against guns, remind yourself that this is a fundamental right you are seeking to infringe. Read past the rhetoric, find out all the facts from all the sides and ask yourself how you would feel if this were against free speech, assembly or religion. What it comes down to in the end is this, do you want the government controlling every facet of your life or do you wish to live in a free society.

Sending this to my local paper.


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."
Excellent letter KAM. I couln't have said it any better, but that doesn't mean that I won't try. I will also send a similar letter to my local newspaper. (though they probably won't publish it - liberal rag!) Hopefully if enough of us send in letters a few will get published.

Now is the time to stand firm for our convictions. It is not an easy time to be a gun owner in America, but there has never been a more important time to be a gun owner that will stand and be counted for what we believe. We must not let our resolve fail in these times. Remember, the Founding Fathers were willing to stand up to bullets and bayonets for their beliefs. We must stand up to rhetoric and verbal attacks by those who would undermine and usurp the authority of the Constitution and create a socialistic government in it's place.

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale